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File 17227744546.jpg - (171.15KB , 1280x1280 , 20240618_211750.jpg )
1734 No. 1734 [Edit]
It feels like in alot of ways The Gen Alpha Okegom
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>> No. 1757 [Edit]
Post-scarcity economics is as comprehensible to modern people as post-metal currency is to goldbugs
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
File 17336934327.png - (1.50MB , 800x1131 , 4f9b5269abb601bf9de8051af39044db.png )
Not even close. I find the art style very unappealing compared to Okegom and FPE barely has the same level of edginess Okegom's work had. Not to mention its origins as a fucking Baldi's Basics animation meme of all things.

It still breaks my heart that Okegom destroyed her own community by being so mentally ill because i remember being a fan of her in middle school and there was a small but loyal cult following that made lots of amazing fan content.

https://youtu.be/oaRtcfTazFE (vidrel)

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