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File 170362988721.jpg - (26.79KB , 686x386 , dondokodoko.jpg )
1640 No. 1640 [Edit]
dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko
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>> No. 1641 [Edit]
context i presume: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlbch74sfG4

I don't remember what the original "dondokodoko" in the scene was. I presume it was mimicking debayashi or something. Or maybe it was just generic drumming/thumping, don't have the show on hand to confirm.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
File 170367229034.gif - (193.67KB , 640x360 , fHXye.gif )
Joshiraku episode four.
>As the girls resume looking at the moon, Kigurumi becomes upset that she cannot see the image of the moon rabbit. Marii agrees with her and shows Kigurumi a disturbing painting of a rabbit, beliving that is what they look like. After Kigurumi is left shaken at what she saw, Marii notes that moon viewing parties are simply an excuse to eat Tsukimi dango while looking at the moon, so Tetora suggest that they eat soba instead. Marii becomes bored rather quickly with eating noodles, so Gankyou suggests that they play tug-of-war, like people in southern Kyushu and Okinawa do for the autumn moon festival. They then try praising the moon while mimicking a drum, which annoys Marii even more, causing her to suggest that they go back to just watching the moon in silence.
>> No. 1722 [Edit]
File 171955974374.gif - (4.67MB , 400x225 , 7db.gif )
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan

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