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File 169776466315.jpg - (5.22KB , 251x190 , 1238848219773s.jpg )
1617 No. 1617 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1626 [Edit]
Natto? I've eaten it, you can go to a local japanese supermarket and buy it refrigerated. I didn't like it all that much without the accompanying seasoning. Basically the anime trope of it being very stringy/sticky is completely true (c.f. sabagebu), I was actually surprised by that considering that they also considered "okra" as sticky which is not really true. In terms of taste, eating it directly it tastes a bit bitter, maybe best comparison would be some like really aged cheeses. I did not consider it a pleasant taste on its own. When paired with a savory sauce like in dashitsuyu natto (the pack I bought came with mustard and fish-soy-umami sauce) it's not bad. I still would not eat it in bulk, but with the sauce and as a side-dish for rice it would probably be fine.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]
It's been two months, anon. I'm still waiting!

I wasn't expecting an informative reply, but it's much appreciated nonetheless.

>maybe [the] best comparison would be some like really aged cheeses
I'll have tap out on the natto experience then, even if it were sauced up.
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
I hate smelly food, and it doesn't even looks appetizing. I'll be skipping it.
>> No. 1645 [Edit]
I wonder if people have experimented with strains of natto that are less... acrid. Just as there's different types of cheeses, if they altered the bacterial cultures they could probably produce one more on the savory side.

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1636 No. 1636 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>mfw it's 2006 and i'm crap flooding last measure links everywhere
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
GDPR killed Christmas!

* Santa can no longer collect info for his naughty/nice list.
* He requires you to provide a consent form before he can legally accept the cookies you serve him.
* He requires the parents' permission before delivering gifts to younger children

File 170029925164.jpg - (18.55KB , 320x288 , DVCGeS_XUAEBARe.jpg )
1630 No. 1630 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The fame is worthless. The narcissism is built by the staff and isolates a worldview to that which is truly a lizard in an aquarium. To have a famous past life is to essentially rebuild a retarded child from scratch. I do not understand why I am asked to share I am Elizabeth II to encourage that same


The highest roller at the casino is always the saddest player.


Why am I important? Why did you create fame to punish us with pointless rewards? Why can't I have this all mocked as Truman Show? So fucking what I was isolated in a fortress of money? Where is my story?


It is the smallest Earth I have ever seen. Even Elvis suffocated in it. Not even Elvis could breathe.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

File 169834189356.png - (54.56KB , 1419x227 , 1698256470715649.png )
1623 No. 1623 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you guys think of digital circus?
>> No. 1629 [Edit]
The digital popcorn tastes terrible.

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1596 No. 1596 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you happen to spot an imouto on Tohno-chan, please report it here. This is for a very important research.
>> No. 1615 [Edit]
I spotted one today!

File 169272986914.png - (958.19KB , 1920x1080 , nutt.png )
1606 No. 1606 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>mfw I nut
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
ur mom, bitch
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
>implying I'm quoting
>> No. 1611 [Edit]
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What's going on in here? Certainly not abusing quotations I hope.
>> No. 1612 [Edit]
1e23 >>>>> 0

File 169147727030.jpg - (38.89KB , 680x366 , F2j7Gs_XoAA8y0S.jpg )
1601 No. 1601 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Asking the real questions
>> No. 1602 [Edit]
Buy a yacht and move to international waters.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
File 169205501845.jpg - (165.20KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Tatoeba Last Dungeon Mae no Mura no S.jpg )
RIP John McAfee, you glorious bastard.

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1592 No. 1592 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is a complex feeling. I am sending electrons through miles and miles of physical cables only to be saved as text on a server. This text will be viewed by a few other people on a lonely corner of the internet where a few social outcasts hang out, and will stay there for as long as the server is alive.

It's like a time capsule, a snapshot of a member of humanity to be saved for years to come. Hello! I am a human, at this day, at this time. How is it over in your time?
>> No. 1593 [Edit]
>and will stay there for as long as the server is alive.
I periodically crawl TC on internet archive so it will remain backed up even after TC server goes dead.
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
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Thanks anon. Archive EVERYTHING. As the internet becomes more centralized, and communities like this one fade away, it's important to save these random thoughts, discussions, feelings of this obscure part of humanity.

I personally have my anime collection safe and backed up so when the apocalypse comes and I'm one of the last humans left on this planet I can still watch my anime
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
The loss of data is one of my greatest fears. I used to save stuff and not think too much of it, though I never deleted old things that had any meaning whatsoever. Then I had a data loss one day and now I'm paranoid about everyone in the world ever losing data ever again!

File 168559529012.jpg - (87.04KB , 800x520 , miku+rin_04.jpg )
1588 No. 1588 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Miku and rin are soo silleh!!
>> No. 1589 [Edit]
Mi-mi-mirakuru miku-rin-rin

File 167580058546.png - (2.25MB , 1920x1080 , uta.png )
1551 No. 1551 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Good morning, nii-san!
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
File 16831469841.png - (1.85MB , 1920x1080 , uta20.png )
>> No. 1582 [Edit]
There are no more mornings, only nights now.
>> No. 1584 [Edit]
Do you live in Antartica?
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
I live in America, so yes.

File 151410895560.jpg - (210.69KB , 1026x831 , DRxeELGVwAI7M6L.jpg )
959 No. 959 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you eat hotdogs?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs1EJlhF4gs
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
I don't eat hot dogs, but I can eat glass. It does not hurt me.
>> No. 1581 [Edit]
With your mouth
>> No. 1583 [Edit]
But you have both an upper and lower mouth!

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