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File 156878376362.jpg - (57.45KB , 300x300 , threadmill.jpg )
684 No. 684 [Edit]
Psychiatry only exists as a means for charlatans posing as doctors to trick individuals into forking over large amounts of cash in exchange for complicated excuses for their terrible behavior as well as access to otherwise illegal addictive feel-good pills.
Agree or disagree and also would an airplane be able to take off from a treadmill or not?
>> No. 685 [Edit]
What do you mean by terrible behavior?
>> No. 686 [Edit]
Oh no not this stupid airplane question again (>>/navi/1012). I'm also not sure why it needed to be posted since it's probably going to derail any discussion towards your main point.

I think that the field of psychology and psychiatrists in particular are mostly ineffective. That being said for a large majority of normal people's problems (hypothetically sadness due to a breakup or some other surface-level trivial issue) it's possible that just having someone to "talk it out" with and being patted on the back with platitudes is sufficient to re-patch their facade of life. But psychiatrists are pretty much ineffective for anything else, and any advice they give is vastly overpriced for what amounts to items found in self-help books.
>> No. 837 [Edit]
Mental illness is real. People who deny this are honestly the far worse version of flat earthers and anti vaxxers. I'm not really sure how you can deny the existence of mental illness unless you think brain scans and measures of chemical balances in the body are all faked by aliens. The way I see it, it's just another way for people to replace complex reality (mental illnesses exist and each one requires special treatment) with a simple fake reality (mentally ill are just lazy and should be put in work camps, maybe not what YOU personally believe but where the movement is headed) that allows them to remove inconvenient people without having moral qualms.
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