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File 156387472268.jpg - (231.72KB , 640x480 , lonely-house-in-the-meadow-4608x3456_30362.jpg )
657 No. 657 [Edit]
Less noise, less congestion, less corporations, less rules, less taxes, less concrete... maybe not quite a world of hunter-gatherers and stone huts, just a simpler and more free one.
>> No. 658 [Edit]
Simple usually means less civilized. No internet connection. Having to grow your own food, and then cook it, and then clean up after cooking. Long distance away from supplies, like basic cleaning necessities. Who knows about the bathroom situation. Getting your water from a well or something.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
What's wrong with any of that? I would love to do that if I only had the chance. In this world, it's been made increasingly prohibitive to live that way to the point it really can't be done.
>> No. 664 [Edit]
Move to Moldova, or some other poor as fuck place. It's simply not hygienic. It's really fucking gross man, I'm not joking.
>> No. 716 [Edit]
I dont mind primitive living, I go camping/hunting all the time. Some people dont care that its gross or dirty, they prefer the simplicity and connection to nature.
>> No. 718 [Edit]
You always have a comfortable house to return to though, right? Camping and sleeping in a tent is different from actually permanently living in a filthy shack.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
Barring internet connection, a lot of the pleasantries of a home in the city can be recreated small-scale in the country. At the risk of blogposting, my mom moved from the city into a trailer in the middle of fuckall about 2 years ago with no money and very few working faculties (like a decent toilet or consistent electricity). And as of posting this, she's dug up underground and set up the pipes, gotten a generator for electricity, built a chicken coop, and revamped the shed into a studio.

Not to mention that well water is, at least in my opinion, a lot nicer than the bitter city water. I would never personally be willing to forgo an internet connection for the other niceties, but you can live an incredibly comfy life provided you put in the initial efforts to recreate it, with the added benefit of near complete independence. But of course a lot of it comes to personal preferences and what trade-offs someone is willing to make.
>> No. 751 [Edit]
Yes, it would also be nice if the country was less populated and more wild in general, the problem now is that all land is owned by somebody and used for something.

Maybe, you could opt for a middle ground and live in the middle of nowhere but in a developed country where you will have all that anyway. Basically what we have now but with less people.
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