No. 656
>Meanwhile in a society which fully understand idea of communism , each individual will intuitively know what to do and where to go
No, they won't. People are not blank slates and people are not ants. What if there is not enough people passionate about growing food, or driving buses, or cleaning toilets, or working in a factory? If I want a laptop, how would I get it and how would it be made? Would there there be a laptop guild? Would they have the resources to get the supplies and equipment plus maintenance and electricity for it? With the help of people who just happen to be passionate about providing those things? What would I give in exchange for the laptop? Would they really just give it to me, let alone 500 other people? How long would it take to get mine?
How would the people passionate about growing food decide on who gets what land? I don't want to share land. Who will stop me from fighting over it? What if the guys who grow food decide to only give it to people in exchange for servitude and other forms of authority? They could team up and basically form a new, non-real communism government? They'll want to do it to, regardless of how well they know communism. What about their kids? Will they give a shit about ideology? Who will be responsible for teaching real communism if not a government?
Any government will take advantage of their power to live better than others. You need a government to stop another government from being formed by people who posses necessities or weapons. "Domination" is simply a means to an end, a better life for you and your family.
Or, I could just do nothing and live off others work. What about people who are passionate about nothing or watching TV all day? Or eating and breeding? What if way more people are "passionate" about things that aren't beneficial to others?
If I work harder than some fucker, I want to live better than him, otherwise, why bother? Many people think like that, at least to some extent, and then things turn to shit. You can't reprogram human nature, which did not evolve to be compatible with communism
Post edited on 22nd Jul 2019, 3:35am