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File 161161494959.jpg - (205.49KB , 1920x1080 , dekkai.jpg )
133 No. 133 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ARIA The AVVENIRE Sound Novel consists of four 15-minute specials: two included in the NATURAL Blu-ray BOX (2016), and two included in the ORIGINATION Blu-ray BOX (2016). They're like the ORIGINATION Picture Dramas, but with even less character animation. They technically count as anime, but they're essentially just voice dramas accompanied by PowerPoint presentations played over an animated water background, hence the name, I guess, putting aside that the term "sound novel" has also been used before to refer to games we might refer to today as "VNs". (More precisely, the phrase used in the title is "saundo noveru", while the games mentioned above have been referred to as "saundo noberu".)

I couldn't find them in any English anime databases, nor could I find any English subtitles for them. (Incidentally, Korean fansubs and Chinese/Japanese bilingual fansubs for them have existed since 2016.) I did find a MAL thread from 2016, but there was no mention of existing English subs there. They don't seem to be included among the US BDs from 2020 either, so I decided to try subbing them myself. I took the timings from the Korean fansubs by Airin & Aria Cafe, majorly adjusted them, and attempted to translate the Japanese audio and text. The resulting subtitle files can be found here:

ARIA The AVVENIRE Sound Novel "Sono Pair no Hibi wa..." ~Azusa B. McLaren-hen~
ARIA The AVVENIRE Sound Novel "Sono Pair no Hibi wa..." ~Anya Dostoyevskaya-hen~
ARIA The AVVENIRE Sound Novel "Sono Party no Ato ni..." ~Aino Ai-hen~
ARIA The AVVENIRE Sound Novel "Sono Ureshi Hazukashi no Bokutachi wa..." ~Danshi-hen~

My translation uses American English with Japanese honorifics, except for "shachou", which became "President". "Kouhai-chan" is used instead of "Junior" or "Junior-chan", but "Yuubin'ya-san&q
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8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 143 [Edit]
File 161264502030.png - (11.57KB , 972x190 , qc.png )
Ep 3

Ep 4

Changes noted in attached image.

Feel free to upload anywhere you like as far as I am concerned.
>> No. 144 [Edit]
Thanks for doing this. Would you like to be credited in the torrent? If not, I'll just credit Traditore.
>> No. 146 [Edit]
Alright, it's up if anybody wants the files.
>> No. 194 [Edit]
File 169332343580.jpg - (8.81MB , 6083x3421 , 1676051499850.jpg )
Thank you all, I appreciate it deeply. I love Aria.

File 168101629926.jpg - (119.57KB , 1024x578 , Kawaisugi-Crisis-Anime-Reveals-1st-PV-More-Cast-an.jpg )
190 No. 190 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Attaching edited subs for ep1 of kawaisigi crisis
>> No. 191 [Edit]
File bglobal_mod.ass - (38.21KB )

Edited bglobal. Strictly better in terms of wording than CR, but I can't be bothered to typeset so practically not very watchable since lines bunch up a lot with signs and multi-person dialogue.
>> No. 192 [Edit]
File cr_mod.ass - (44.11KB )

Edited CR subs, basically backporting things I noticed were better in the b-global sub along with some wording fixes. Typesetting is unchanged from CR, so while some signs are typeset dialogue is still bunched up.

Take your poison. It's likely there won't be edited versions going forward since even though it's relatively low effort to do so, it's also low reward since honestly you don't really care about the plot at all, and the mistranslations don't affect anything material. (It's also not an order of magnitude improvement, so it's not worth doing the diff just to tweak 4 lines).

File 166641465369.jpg - (84.32KB , 1280x720 , shishou.jpg )
155 No. 155 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Attaching a variant of b-global with some minor grammar fixes and slightly cleaner translation of the rakugo humor. Use at your own risk, my jp listening is not very good, especially so for obscure wordplay.
10 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 184 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep7.ass - (38.50KB )

Episode 7. We finally get to hear the rest of Higashi no Tabi. One of the jokes was pretty funny. This one was a pain to edit since the bulk was taken up by rakugo and neither CR nor BB did a good job, and my listening is not good for obscure fast-paced kansai-ben dialogue/puns. Think I managed to do a decent job though.
>> No. 187 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep8_bglobal_mod.ass - (46.03KB )

>> No. 188 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep9_mod.ass - (44.19KB )

>> No. 189 [Edit]
File ep10_uchi_shishou_bglobal_synced.ass - (48.95KB )


File 166597613239.png - (476.39KB , 1920x1080 , bocchitherock.png )
148 No. 148 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Creating a thread to post the b-global/CR mixed subs so I can avoid clogging up the main boards. And also because this is the only board which allows text file attachments.
18 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 181 [Edit]
More on post-sample AA (which I prefer to think of as post-processing shaders or filters). It was still unclear to me how exactly this looks frequency-domain wise, i.e. how it differs from a low-pass filter. I think the key is that unlike a traditional gaussian filter where you use a fixed kernel, morphological AA methods use an adaptive kernel depending on edge constrast and edge direction. I.e. to deal with AA by blurring, you need much stronger blurring in direction perpendicular to the edge than you do in the parallel direction.

Here's some relevant links for people who'd like to learn more: I think the original intel paper on MAA is a good place to start.
>> No. 182 [Edit]
I don't know if anyone's actually using or waiting for these, but just a heads up that I don't think I'll continue making them for ep7 onward. It's popular enough that some group will probably do it for the BD release, and the edits for the past few episodes have been mostly subjective style corrections.
>> No. 185 [Edit]
Just wanted to say thanks for doing this. I've tried to use these subs with every ep I've watched so far (Though I'm not entirely sure if it's properly switching from the built in subs)
>> No. 186 [Edit]
Thanks, it's good to know that someone at least found them useful. And for me it was good practice to set up a workflow so I could really put effort into the Uchi no Shishou subs.

> I'm not entirely sure if it's properly switching from the built in subs
Oh you should be able to tell that pretty easily by just comparing the known dialogue. E.g. for Ep1 at 0:05:13 my subs used "But before I cause late-night disturbances\Nplaying out my shitty original song" whereas the original CR was "But before the neighbours report \N my shitty song as late night noise pollution.

Also amusingly seems like the Gotch fellow stopped making subs after that 3rd episode. How peculiar. Either way, this has convinced me nyaa has done more harm than good in effectively "centralizing" anime distribution and then leaving it to rot (i.e. disabling account sign ups).

File 161180471824.jpg - (182.14KB , 1920x1080 , kkk.jpg )
136 No. 136 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I noticed that only 2 of the 6 miniature theater specials had been subbed, so I subbed the rest.

I'm still only learning Japanese so some of it might not be quite right. The timing was based on some Chinese subs that I found, and I also used the Chinese subs to roughly cross-check my TL since I'm not the best at Japanese listening (there were one or two lines that I couldn't catch and so I deferred to the Chinese subs on those).

Probably not worth uploading anywhere official, but feel free to do so if you wish (preferably improving the timing or translations beforehand).

Note that 04 and 05 were the two pre-existing translations that I've included in the above (slightly revised for accuracy).

Post edited on 27th Jan 2021, 7:33pm
>> No. 147 [Edit]
File combined.ass - (18.46KB )

Link is dead, but apparently this board allows text file attachments so this one should hopefully not link rot as fast. The .ass has subs for all 6 specials concat'd together.

It appears an encoder somehow did manage to uncover an older shittier version of these subs I had ghostposted on /a/ several years back. I pointed them to the revised version so hopefully it will actually be incorporated into a release in the future.

File 149316405786.jpg - (121.13KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Jewelpet Sunshine - 06 RAW (TX 1280.jpg )
50 No. 50 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello, so I'm toying with the idea of working on finishing subs for Jewelpet Sunshine, because it's a really funny and enjoyable show. There are 52 episodes in total, but Ayako did episodes 1 - 16, and Paca has done episodes 17 - 28.

Although Paca hasn't technically dropped it, they average an episode every couple months or so, so I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in working on it with me. Although it is a children's show, my Japanese is poor, so translation is slow-going. So, if there's anyone who is willing to make themselves available to me for question answering regarding translation, I'd appreciate it if you contacted me at #tohno-chan on rizon, or here

Post edited on 25th Apr 2017, 4:49pm
>> No. 132 [Edit]
Sunshine is now fully subbed!

File 149240250728.jpg - (136.69KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Frame Arms Girl - 01 RAW (MX 1280x7.jpg )
1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
So I decided to Resub the first ep of Frame Arms Girl. This is my first time subbing anything so bear with me and don't be afraid to lemme know how much I screwed up.
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>> No. 127 [Edit]
File [TC]_Frame_Arms_Girl_-_12_[720p]_NOQC.ass - (23.96KB , [TC]_Frame_Arms_Girl_-_12_[720p] NOQC.ass )

First draft of ep12 subs, ready for review!
This is the last ep folks!
>> No. 128 [Edit]
File [TC]_Frame_Arms_Girl_-_12_[720p]_QC1.ass - (23.96KB )

0:02 "Last battle" -> "Last Battle"
0:35 "wasin't" -> "wasn't"
0:46 "rate, She'll" -> "rate, she'll" (capitalization)
0:54 "Fatory" -> "Factory"
1:33 "happend" -> "happened"
3:00 "Base, will give" -> "Base will give"
3:53 "eveyone!" -> "everyone!"
4:29 "Gourai, It's" -> "Gourai, it's" (capitalization)
4:34 "lets" -> "let's"
6:33 should the start of this line be capitalized?
7:22 "isin't" -> "isn't"
7:56 "anticllimactic" -> "anticlimactic"
8:26 "Huh? so" -> "Huh? So"
8:43 "till" -> "'til"
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>> No. 129 [Edit]
File [TC]_Frame_Arms_Girl_-_12_(MX_1280x720_x264_AAC)_m.torrent - (15.19KB , [TC] Frame Arms Girl - 12 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC)_m.torrent )

[TC] Frame Arms Girl - 12 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv


Whelp, that's all folks! Hope you guys enjoyed.
Big thanks to bumbaloe, popo, and Prokyon for their help. And a shout out to Wilczur with AO-Subs for taking care of the timing for us.
>> No. 130 [Edit]
Seems the BDs of this come with yellow subs too, wtf?

No. 31 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hi guys, Ive seen that you have published timmed soft subs. I have done already 2nd and 3rd episode and im doing it every week. So if you want I can share with you however its done in Polish but im translating from this ugly yellow subs. Let me know if you are interested in.
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>> No. 35 [Edit]
Ok, so please give me an email. Ill send you whole pack with subs and fonts. Sorry for inconvenience but itll make things easier for me to cnotact you in the future.
>> No. 36 [Edit]
Sure, you can hit me up at
>> No. 37 [Edit]
I have sent you an email. Let me know if you received it or not. Thx.
>> No. 38 [Edit]
I got it and sent a reply. Thanks a bunch for reaching out to us and doing this.

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