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File 166641465369.jpg - (84.32KB , 1280x720 , shishou.jpg )
155 No. 155 [Edit]
Attaching a variant of b-global with some minor grammar fixes and slightly cleaner translation of the rakugo humor. Use at your own risk, my jp listening is not very good, especially so for obscure wordplay.
>> No. 156 [Edit]
File bglobal_mod.ass - (34.05KB )

Oh I also integrated signs from the funi release into this, although there weren't that many in the first place. Timing on signs is off by a few hundred ms though.
>> No. 158 [Edit]
File bglobal_mod_synced.ass - (33.90KB )

Fixed the timing on the signs, and also fixed an issue that occurred when converting the original srt to ass. Seems like ffmpeg doesn't properly handle overlapping srt srt times (by like 0.001sec). Still could use some "proper" timing with aegisub but I don't know how to do that.
>> No. 159 [Edit]
File blogal_timing_fixed.ass - (25.74KB )

Ep2. No fixes needed on this script, I just fixed the overlapping sub times issue (turns out this isn't a fault of ffmpeg, it's there in the original SRT itself. Ended up writing a quick script to go through and fix it). And changed the final pun on the rakugo ED segment to the one from CR.
>> No. 161 [Edit]
File concat.ass - (97.47KB )

Episode 3 needed some non-trivial editing. I've also gone back and fine-tuned ep 1 and 2 a bit. All three are concatenated in the attachment, to avoid making 3 separate posts.
>> No. 165 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep4_bglobal_mod.ass - (40.22KB )

Episode 4.
>> No. 168 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep5_bglobal_mod_synced.ass - (40.96KB )

Episode 5 attached, don't have the motivation to lookup the rakugo story this time since it didn't seem too funny, but tanuki & shishou keep getting more adorable. It's the kind of bond you'd normally only see in kirara shows. (In fact despite bocchi the rock being a kirara show, the depictions of friendship there don't seem as tangible as they are in this show, as I might have commented before. With shows like yuyushiki or machikado, you can tell the characters care for each other just by their subtle actions, tone of voice, and words. That holds true for mameda/buko as well, but not much so for bocchi/nijika et al...)
>> No. 169 [Edit]
Also worth noting that this site has japanese transcript, linked with key frame:


I assume that the raws have embedded CC as well (which is probably where all these sites get them from), but that's too much hassle.
>> No. 170 [Edit]
>to lookup the rakugo story this time since it didn't seem too funny
I really hope no one minds my frequent posting on this board, but given that I haven't found any other place discussing these things, I might as well use this (granted it's more of a monologue than a conversation, but maybe some passerby might stumble upon this).

I was bored so I did look into the Tsujiurajaya (辰巳の辻占) story, and the punchline is again a bit more clever than the english subs translated. It's not just that she says "it's been a while" in response to Gen-yan's question (which is where the English subs left it, although that by itself is maybe a little funny), the specific word she uses "Shaba" seems to have a double meaning of both "outside the red-light district" and "outside this mortal world".

>Shaba de atte irai janai ka
>{Met at Shaba}{not since}
>Not since we last met at Shaba

So the double-meaning is "It's been a while since we last met {in the mortal world|outside the red-light district}".

Carrying over this specific double-meaning to English might be tricky, since at the moment I can't think of a word that has similar implicature of "outside the red-light district" in English (possibly owing to puritan roots or something? There generally don't seem to be that much slang for these things. I'd imagine that in places where it's more prevalent (amsterdam?) the language would have more slang built around it).

However, I do believe it's possible to maintain mostly a similar type of pun, via the fact that "carnal" can be used in both sexual and non-sexual connotation. For sake of completeness, some other possible variants I thought of here were "corporeal (pleasure), carnal(flesh/knowledge/presence/company), carnality".

Ultimately I think I'll go with a translation of
>It's been a while since we've shared \N our carnal presence, hasn't it?

which isn't quite the same meaning as the original but mostly gets the point across. I'm also not quite satisfied with the "shared our presence" construction, it feels a bit non-standard to me (n-gram stats show that this construction is used mostly in non-past tense). Anyone able to finangle something that flows a bit better?

Edit: "shared company" seems to be more common than "shared our presence." I guess "been a while since we've shared carnal company" works as well..

Post edited on 2nd Nov 2022, 7:21pm
>> No. 179 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep6_out_timed.ass - (36.08KB )

Episode 6. I wonder how many times they'll do the intro to Higashi no Tabi before the end of the show. Unfortunately the "gobansou" pun it hinges on is too specific to be translatable. But I've found great joy in shouting "sono youki na koto".

Also there are some inline comments jotted down in the sub file, either uncommon-ish words that I had to listen multiple times to catch, pun references, etc. If you're interested might be worth taking a look in there (same for Bocchi subs as well).
>> No. 183 [Edit]
I found a transcript of the intro to Higashi no Tabi, on some random chinese social media site: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/582315607. I couldn't find a more authoritative japanese source just by googling, the japanese sites only had the first lines, but my japanese google-fu is very weak.
>> No. 184 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep7.ass - (38.50KB )

Episode 7. We finally get to hear the rest of Higashi no Tabi. One of the jokes was pretty funny. This one was a pain to edit since the bulk was taken up by rakugo and neither CR nor BB did a good job, and my listening is not good for obscure fast-paced kansai-ben dialogue/puns. Think I managed to do a decent job though.
>> No. 187 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep8_bglobal_mod.ass - (46.03KB )

>> No. 188 [Edit]
File uchi_shishou_ep9_mod.ass - (44.19KB )

>> No. 189 [Edit]
File ep10_uchi_shishou_bglobal_synced.ass - (48.95KB )


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