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File 130733958141.png - (623.74KB , 680x686 , kokuban_inkokuban_in Tenshi sketch.png )
3176 No. 3176 [Edit]
We need a thread for creative things you do specifically of/for your waifu; I feel this is more /mai/ than /cr/.

Here's a sketch I just made with this online drawing tool someone showed me: http://kokuban.in/skeb/
Expand all images
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
File 13073396848.png - (1.08MB , 843x587 , kirino art.png )
I've posted this before but here's a thing you can use to "paint" images

>> No. 3347 [Edit]
File 130856278685.jpg - (862.50KB , 1100x1000 , paint2.jpg )
Oops, forgot this thread was here.
>> No. 3612 [Edit]
File 130997822782.jpg - (158.03KB , 509x594 , 90c9c67f77b6b52760a4763f431144b8.jpg )
I made a slideshow with some of my favorite love songs for Osaka. I know she'll love it!
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
Guess I can't embed with a pic.
>> No. 3702 [Edit]

Post edited on 14th Jul 2011, 4:03pm
>> No. 3705 [Edit]
I play Guitar and since my waifu is a guitarist herself I often write songs dedicated to her.
>> No. 3841 [Edit]
File 131123181951.jpg - (683.52KB , 900x675 , my little pumpkin.jpg )
For what it's worth, I Made this for a Halloween year before last I think it was.
>> No. 4784 [Edit]
File 131312810053.jpg - (73.53KB , 246x315 , Tenshi annoyed.jpg )
I haven't drawn in a while.
>> No. 4785 [Edit]
That's not half bad, actually. Pretty good. The face looks a little manly but other than that thumbs up, like, +1.
>> No. 4786 [Edit]
Yah, thats his style: giascle.deviantart.com
>> No. 4787 [Edit]
Thanks! I need to work on faces; I don't like generic moeblob style, but I don't want it to look manly, either.
>> No. 4813 [Edit]
I don't see a manface, I guess it's was just surprising for the other poster to see a Touhou character drawn in a less cutesy style
The shoulders look kind of awkward, but if it's just a quick doodle then it's fine.
>> No. 4874 [Edit]
File 131383777610.jpg - (453.56KB , 592x860 , Asuka (mai) 0.jpg )
Thought I might repost this here at a more reasonable resolution (about its actual size), together with a compilation of some of what's on /tc/ so far: >>471 >>440 >>1351 >>/cr/70 >>/cr/185 >>/cr/337 >>/cr/1441 (that last one wasn't named after her because I was -and still am- uncertain about... stuff; but it was made for her, all the way through, keep no doubt about it)

Post edited on 20th Aug 2011, 4:02am
>> No. 4876 [Edit]
Good Job Brohno. You got some skill. Are you teh same guy who posted that nice poem about her with the really good art? It seems to be a similar style to yours.
>> No. 4887 [Edit]
I did make a doubtful attempt of poetry, included in the compilation... but thanks.
>> No. 4965 [Edit]
I was getting really discouraged with my drawing practice, and thinking of her helped me keep at it, so I ended up making this.

I'm not very good yet, but I really like this one, even if it's more for the sentiment behind it.

Post edited on 28th Aug 2011, 1:10pm
>> No. 4978 [Edit]
File 13145623314.jpg - (452.58KB , 2172x1692 , noriko colored.jpg )
(Thought I could've done a slightly less half-assed job at coloring for some reason)
>> No. 6658 [Edit]
>> No. 7065 [Edit]
File 132134280644.png - (891.81KB , 1280x1032 , Yandere waifu.png )
After working on this for a bit, I acquired a much better understanding as to why this pose/image is so appealing.
>> No. 7066 [Edit]
Tohno, I think this is very good.
>> No. 7068 [Edit]
I like this a lot.
>> No. 7371 [Edit]
>> No. 7379 [Edit]
This is your best yet.
>> No. 7382 [Edit]
File 13230331794.jpg - (328.60KB , 760x1126 , Asuka B-ES.jpg )


Post edited on 4th Dec 2011, 1:16pm
>> No. 7612 [Edit]
File 13242215297.jpg - (159.86KB , 644x662 , drawings-maiwaifu-01.jpg )
I wish I knew how to shade better ;_;
Done in sai
>> No. 7613 [Edit]
I wish I knew to shade like that in photoshop, at least. Very nice.
>> No. 7615 [Edit]
File 132422565743.jpg - (188.89KB , 900x1200 , IMG_0080.jpg )
I draw her around my house and stuff.
>> No. 7618 [Edit]
Forcing her to do dishes? How cruel!
>> No. 7619 [Edit]
Naww she is just making dinner
>> No. 7622 [Edit]
Nice, it looked pretty realistic in the thumbnail.
>> No. 7623 [Edit]
why do people automatically assume if a women is cooking or cleaning, she's being forced to do so?
>> No. 7683 [Edit]
File 132454785453.png - (1.04MB , 909x1222 , portrate copy.png )
Drew this for her birthday, which is today.
>> No. 7684 [Edit]
Happy birthday to your dearest.
>> No. 7687 [Edit]
And happy birthday to you, Minagi; we wouldn't be all together here if it weren't for you.
>> No. 7688 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 7689 [Edit]

Happy Birthday!
>> No. 7691 [Edit]
Happy birthday to her. Happy birthday to her. Happy birthday dear Minagi~! Happy birthday to her!
>> No. 7693 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 7694 [Edit]
happy birthday!
>> No. 8531 [Edit]
File 132972334652.jpg - (298.95KB , 1032x1611 , Red Wine (aka wain).jpg )
Better late than never, I suppose...

Happy Valentine's day, Asuka.
>> No. 8532 [Edit]
You made that yourself? Whoa, awesome.
>> No. 8533 [Edit]
That's adorable. I loved the poem when I saw it in /cr/. Really awesome work!
>> No. 8534 [Edit]
File 132980177672.png - (87.73KB , 500x500 , chibistar.png )
Wanted to try a chibi style pic...
>> No. 8537 [Edit]
File 132986376363.jpg - (1.32MB , 3072x1728 , SDC11315.jpg )
I spent a few hours doing this last night.
>> No. 8538 [Edit]
That is one hell of a rape face.

Who is it, if you don't mind my asking? She looks like Revy, but I'm not sure.

Post edited on 21st Feb 2012, 4:01pm
>> No. 8539 [Edit]
>> No. 8540 [Edit]
File 132987123529.jpg - (438.87KB , 1280x720 , [GotWoot]_Mirai_Nikki_-_18_[10-bit][5484C8f4]_mkv_.jpg )
Yuno, She's thinking about the guys who hit on her and how they haven't a chance in hell.
>> No. 8542 [Edit]
You need to fix your codecs, man.
>> No. 8545 [Edit]
The glory of 10bit quality.
>> No. 8555 [Edit]
File 132990303355.png - (6.09MB , 3400x3000 , Medit.png )
Anyone else ever edit images to make them look more like their waifu?
>> No. 8618 [Edit]
File 133022691774.png - (1.82MB , 1920x1080 , hl2 2012-02-26 03-23-34-10.png )
>> No. 8625 [Edit]
I really love that poem, especially "She's the foam that the sea brought one day in a shell". You should post poetry more often.
I think the accompanying art is excellent, as well.
>> No. 8626 [Edit]
Many thanks.
That verse was -of course- a direct reference to Venus:

>> No. 8627 [Edit]
Well, then. I suppose it's a testament to the poem's strength that the imagery could stand on it's own with me being oblivious to the reference.
>> No. 8707 [Edit]
File 133141554955.jpg - (1.45MB , 2756x1575 , 12892071243.jpg )
made this collage for my psp wallpaper
>> No. 8724 [Edit]
Pretty cool. I'll probably do something like that over a weekend, soon. Any advice to save me figuring certain things out on my own?

I was thinking of copying each picture I want into GIMP, resizing it, increasing the canvas by a set amount of pixels on each side, filling the empty space black, then pasting each one into a larger GIMP window to form the collage.
>> No. 8725 [Edit]
i did the same just with photoshop
just choose the pictures beforehand, or you wouldnt know where to put them afterwards and will end with a huge mess.
>> No. 8726 [Edit]
What do you mean? Know where I'm going to put each image before I start?
>> No. 8728 [Edit]
>> No. 8735 [Edit]
File 133164505467.png - (1.93MB , 1551x1504 , book V1.png )
I wonder if I'll ever not suck at this...
>> No. 8737 [Edit]

The coloring puts me off for some reason, but it doesn't suck by any means
>> No. 8822 [Edit]
I can't pinpoint it exactly, but something about your drawing style is pleasing and refreshing to look at.
I hope you continue to post a lot more of your work.
>> No. 8830 [Edit]
maybe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na%C3%AFve_art
>> No. 8855 [Edit]
File 133238514543.jpg - (125.06KB , 800x484 , msky.jpg )
just keep at it

looking at references can help

i just made this for my waifu, though i was kinda lazy making the meatballs.
>> No. 9316 [Edit]
File 133907714025.png - (1.11MB , 1397x997 , do it for kagamin~.png )
I can't draw, but I can crop and resize pictures and draw black straight lines using MSpaint. So I made this, borrowing the idea and the template from an unknown anon who had made a similar picture about Yuno from Hidamari Sketch. Quite satisfied with it myself and about the fact that even though I can't draw nor am I creative in the slightest bit, I was able to create something for my waifu.
>> No. 10362 [Edit]
File 134722336645.jpg - (1.77MB , 1594x1368 , Asuka on the beach.jpg )
I was re-watching certain movie and got this idea. Thought about saving it for her birthday but one never knows. Did it in a rush: 3 days and a half, up to 20 hours of nonstop... Sometimes I can barely stand what all this is doing to me. But meh.

Post edited on 9th Sep 2012, 1:44pm
>> No. 10363 [Edit]
File 134722387968.jpg - (1.27MB , 2392x1020 , Asuka on the beach I (sepia).jpg )
chic version.
>> No. 10364 [Edit]
Very nice!
>> No. 10365 [Edit]
File 134722702424.jpg - (1.78MB , 1594x1368 , Asuka on the beach.jpg )
Made a very stupid mistake. Here is the good one.

Thank you.
>> No. 10366 [Edit]
That's really cool
>> No. 10368 [Edit]
File 13472397543.jpg - (318.79KB , 1200x800 , IMG_4634.jpg )
Made a custom theme for my DS flash cart. First time trying to make one, but it was fun to do and I'm happy with how it turned out.
>> No. 10370 [Edit]
>> No. 10371 [Edit]
>> No. 10372 [Edit]
I regularly write her music.

Same song, but some people couldn't get soundcloud to work, and youtube has got some pictures I found fitting.
>> No. 10375 [Edit]
I liked them very much; would love to hera more (btw: for mp3 sharing/streaming, you could try Tindeck).
>> No. 10376 [Edit]
Thanks for the interest.
I've just uploaded a new track, Hazy aspect: The intro for my set of singer-songwriter songs, which is still in the works. It should set the atmosphere for the listener.
>> No. 10385 [Edit]
I was thinking of making a huge painting with all the /mai/ waifus, it could take a while.

I don't know if it's a good idea.
>> No. 10386 [Edit]
in case you haven't seen the sticky lately, there are hundreds.
>> No. 10388 [Edit]

>285 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

I know, but i would choose the most posted ones.
>> No. 10390 [Edit]
You mean all the characters interacting together? That would be great, if you can pull it out. However, a lot of them posters are gone and surely more people will come; so it'd always be kind of off with the current situation inside the community.
>> No. 10397 [Edit]
I don't know if interacting together, i was thinking of just all of them making a pose, each waifu would have a different pose of course.
>> No. 10398 [Edit]
File 134747661790.jpg - (455.92KB , 1280x800 , 00250401.jpg )
something like this
>> No. 10460 [Edit]
File 134802328230.jpg - (145.51KB , 383x800 , Misao.jpg )
Sometimes, when there is no new fanart, you just gotta make your own.
>> No. 10769 [Edit]
File 135128884079.png - (28.79KB , 617x614 , Unmatched colouring skills.png )
I used a part of our anniversary to draw a picture of her, well... its not as bad as my other attempts but, now that i think of it, i should´ve avoided the pumpkin....
friggin halloween.
>> No. 10770 [Edit]
Nice. Draw more!
>> No. 10775 [Edit]
File 135132909334.jpg - (516.60KB , 1200x900 , MinGraphig.jpg )
Almost forgot to post about this Graphig I made.

not that happy about how the hair came out, I think I might redo that part before uploading any sort of print out plans thing or anything.
That aside I don't think it's too bad.
>> No. 11002 [Edit]
File 135463257532.jpg - (395.04KB , 826x1076 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Happy birthday, Asuka.

[may contain Q spoilers]
>> No. 11262 [Edit]
File 13559877991.jpg - (442.67KB , 1222x1222 , mingraphig2.jpg )
Finally got around to redoing the hair.
I'm not sure which ones better...
>> No. 11263 [Edit]
Neither of them are bad. Just keep them for whenever you feel you want to see one more than the other or whatever. Think of it as an alternative costume.
>> No. 11264 [Edit]
I like the second one better, personally
>> No. 11312 [Edit]
File 135624938951.jpg - (371.64KB , 1300x1600 , xmas1.jpg )
Tried drawing this for Christmas and stuff.
>> No. 11314 [Edit]
File 135624962524.jpg - (2.24MB , 1300x1600 , xmas2.jpg )
Also tried messing around with a background.
>> No. 11318 [Edit]
Looks nice! Drawn background would have been better tho.
>> No. 11321 [Edit]

Nice, i also tried to draw something for her on christmas, too bad i gave up on it.
>> No. 11355 [Edit]
File 135639687272.jpg - (2.29MB , 1343x1754 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Final colored version.
>> No. 11549 [Edit]
I made one of those Do it for her images a while back. Other than that there isn't many creative things that I've done for her unfortunately. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm usually doing something else that takes up my time. Though I have been trying to work on removing the background of an image with her in it, but gimp has been evil as usual and I can't seem to get rid of the image background. I've seen it done before with similar images, so I'm sure it's possible. I have never been good with things like gimp though, and have almost no idea what I'm doing. I've been trying to get it to work for a few days now. As much as I don't want to, I'm thinking maybe I should just give up on it.
>> No. 11550 [Edit]
Sehr Schon! (Can't get the umlaut to work to save my life)

I wish I could draw something as awesome as that. I suppose you could count learning her language as a creative pursuit? I need to get better on the piano anyway, so I might try writing her a song.
>> No. 11551 [Edit]
I really recommend you get Photoshop. It's so much easier. Don't give up bro!
>> No. 11552 [Edit]
Photoshop would probably bother me just as much. I was never good at computer art/image editing programs. I think I got it figured out now though, but I'm way too tired to finish it now. I'll probably finish it when I wake up, unless the settings don't save. It appears they do though so it should just be the way I left it when I open it up.
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