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File 129016752549.jpg - (42.83KB , 480x716 , sherklouise1.jpg )
15 No. 15 [Edit]
How to participate: Draw something in MSpaint, or any other limited graphics program with a mouse, then post your shitty art along with everyone elses shitty art.

If you're actually good at drawing, make the rest of us feel bad.

This weeks theme: Milky Holmes and Detective outfits. Waifus encouraged.
Expand all images
>> No. 16 [Edit]
File 129022202821.png - (12.47KB , 423x564 , minagi holmes.png )
>> No. 17 [Edit]
Daw, it looks like she's a magical girl and a detective with that magnifying glass.
>> No. 18 [Edit]
Both of those are pretty cute.
>> No. 19 [Edit]
File 129026463673.jpg - (58.79KB , 439x543 , paheti.jpg )
I remember why I hate drawing
>> No. 20 [Edit]
Looks fine to me.
>> No. 21 [Edit]
Well you're just Tohno posting anonymously
>> No. 22 [Edit]
Nope, this is tohno posting anonymously, and I think it looks nice.
>> No. 23 [Edit]
File 129031260240.png - (6.23KB , 300x300 , 455090165.png )
I'm sick of it. Sick of the mind games. Sick of the red herrings. It all seems unreal. Who am I? Where am I? There is nothing tell me that I am even alive any more.
>> No. 24 [Edit]

Stop talking to yourself TOHNO.
>> No. 25 [Edit]
It was all Natsume all along.
>> No. 27 [Edit]
This week's theme, Thanksgiving.
>> No. 29 [Edit]
File 129073011756.jpg - (25.50KB , 466x320 , thanksgiving.jpg )
>> No. 65 [Edit]
This week's theme: cooking.
>> No. 66 [Edit]
File 129126785461.png - (6.55KB , 257x219 , kirby cooks.png )
First thing that came to mind.
>> No. 67 [Edit]
File 129127293819.jpg - (114.98KB , 653x783 , cooking.jpg )
>> No. 68 [Edit]
That's actually pretty cute.
>> No. 70 [Edit]
File 129127517481.png - (31.35KB , 540x531 , Asuka cook.png )
good job indeed (this mouse thing is hard)
>> No. 71 [Edit]
That's really nice. I should think of using something besides a white background next time, it makes it easier to block in shapes. I used to do that all the time.
>> No. 72 [Edit]
You know guys, I thought you were supposed to be BAD at drawing. This is even much worse considering you're using mouses.
>> No. 78 [Edit]
File 129131851266.jpg - (41.96KB , 512x512 , miserable failure.jpg )
What a failure
>> No. 80 [Edit]
well, you know: a real man is always prepared to eat whataever her loves cooks for him, even if it hurts...
great drawing; you're a mouse master.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
What program are you using for that? It looks really nice.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
>You know guys, I thought you were supposed to be BAD at drawing. This is even much worse considering you're using mouses.

OP here. I am bad, for some reason only people who can draw better than me want to participate!

Need more bad drawers.
>> No. 83 [Edit]
File 129136263831.png - (16.51KB , 479x407 , cooking.png )
Needs more rice...
>> No. 84 [Edit]
Paint Tool SAI
>> No. 85 [Edit]
so she spent all those coupons at once...
very good, man; the stove is neat: even the appropiate section is on.
>> No. 86 [Edit]
File 129137231184.jpg - (110.64KB , 554x480 , Yuno Cooking.jpg )
>> No. 87 [Edit]
So cute!!
>> No. 88 [Edit]
File 129137767882.png - (8.00KB , 191x234 , 1266379059832.png )
>> No. 89 [Edit]
File 129137779045.png - (38.18KB , 748x559 , stockingu.png )
>> No. 90 [Edit]
File 129138578030.png - (31.42KB , 823x719 , kerokero.png )
Am I an artist yet?
>> No. 91 [Edit]
I don't see the link with cooking.
>> No. 102 [Edit]
File 129168660937.png - (13.57KB , 640x512 , The result of three hours hard work.png )
>> No. 103 [Edit]
So whats the next theme going to be?
>> No. 104 [Edit]

Boob jobs

nah! just kidding, i'm not OP. so: what will it be?
>> No. 105 [Edit]
I usually post them on late Weds/early Thurs.
>> No. 108 [Edit]
This week's theme: Music.
>> No. 132 [Edit]
File 129188775315.png - (352.09KB , 919x690 , violin3.png )
>> No. 133 [Edit]
very nice! I see you did work with a neutral tone background (feels good man, doesn't?). I liked the first version too.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
Yeah, it's a lot easier for me to work with blocks of color rather than lines because I'm so bad at the technical parts of art.
>> No. 135 [Edit]
File 129189274655.png - (2.98KB , 300x300 , bobs_ong.png )
>> No. 137 [Edit]

>> No. 138 [Edit]
Can you not do that kind of thing in Tohno-Chan?
>> No. 140 [Edit]
Yes, of course; I know, sorry. Won't happen again But it's just that it was really like WTF?
>> No. 144 [Edit]
I'm glad more people are contributing. This thread is pretty fun when it gets a lot of people posting.
>> No. 146 [Edit]
File 129192164116.png - (183.01KB , 1600x1200 , ipod_minagi.png )
>> No. 153 [Edit]
File 129209616663.png - (29.91KB , 416x360 , Berserk hit the floor.png )
>> No. 157 [Edit]
File 129220549196.png - (19.77KB , 653x478 , Aki no uta.png )
>> No. 171 [Edit]
File 129240440948.png - (40.27KB , 538x500 , rave.png )
>> No. 172 [Edit]
This weeks' theme:

>> No. 173 [Edit]
File 129245719157.png - (319.84KB , 965x638 , vinland flowers.png )
They planted flowers now that thir wheat is gone :3
>> No. 174 [Edit]
>> No. 175 [Edit]
you really did it with a mouse?
>> No. 176 [Edit]
File 129246008651.jpg - (29.71KB , 385x252 , crayon.jpg )
Yup, paint has a crayon brush now.
>> No. 177 [Edit]
it's about time they updated ms paint
>> No. 185 [Edit]
File 129248399090.png - (41.12KB , 597x581 , Asuka (himawari).png )
>> No. 188 [Edit]
File 129251510058.png - (262.70KB , 547x710 , flower.png )
>> No. 192 [Edit]
You've really got some skill!
>> No. 194 [Edit]
File 129263979589.png - (65.88KB , 1460x525 , groundwork.png )
Thanks, broh; lots of groundwork and several partial savings help me immensely.
>> No. 201 [Edit]
A little bit early, but I'm losing computer access in a few minutes so~

This week's theme: Christmas.
>> No. 202 [Edit]

lol... ok; not that we didn't see it coming, but well.
>> No. 204 [Edit]
File 129292320577.png - (38.80KB , 538x500 , floowers.png )
I was too late for FLOWERS!!!
>> No. 205 [Edit]
lol fucking amazing
>> No. 206 [Edit]
thats wonderful
>> No. 207 [Edit]
it's ok. at least you did make it (and I liked it).
>> No. 209 [Edit]
File 129308871397.png - (112.29KB , 1362x796 , YOUCHRISTMAS.png )
Christmas it is then!
>> No. 211 [Edit]
File 129316667418.png - (23.35KB , 870x524 , Nutcracker.png )
it is about christmas.
>> No. 213 [Edit]
File 129324841370.jpg - (156.44KB , 547x771 , okuu coloured.jpg )
I sketched over another pic on paint.net but i only used the pencil and fill bucket.
>> No. 214 [Edit]
File 12932485676.png - (437.33KB , 547x771 , okuu.png )
This is the original
>> No. 230 [Edit]
File 129363283174.png - (33.19KB , 599x743 , animu santa.png )
>> No. 232 [Edit]
File 129367573328.png - (34.90KB , 251x242 , mizorechristmas.png )
I know it's late and I'm not good at drawing, but here it is.
>> No. 233 [Edit]
File 129368228696.png - (52.19KB , 857x747 , happy christmas.png )
One more for the road.

Happy Christmas
>> No. 235 [Edit]
File 129370348386.png - (142.79KB , 505x397 , workin.png )
Was bored, so joined in for some late christmas fun.
>> No. 253 [Edit]
This week's theme: New years
>> No. 255 [Edit]
File 129383677859.png - (229.97KB , 1474x1562 , mizorenewyear.png )
>> No. 283 [Edit]
File 129428244865.png - (165.26KB , 664x622 , worstfireworksever.png )
>> No. 284 [Edit]
Looks like some kind of album cover or logo from the 80s.
>> No. 285 [Edit]
This week's theme: Magical Girls
>> No. 286 [Edit]
File 129435360179.jpg - (20.02KB , 251x234 , hermione.jpg )
Hide incompetence with :3 faces. Works like a charm.
>> No. 289 [Edit]
File 129437155093.png - (84.46KB , 1188x657 , MAGIC.png )
I'm getting used to this mouse thing
>> No. 296 [Edit]
File 129482815588.png - (36.02KB , 801x481 , wug9zxnb6pxv4os004.png )
I'm terrible ;_;
>> No. 297 [Edit]
Don't say that, it's adorable.
>> No. 298 [Edit]
Indeed, it's very cute
>> No. 307 [Edit]
I really like this one. I don't know why.
>> No. 309 [Edit]
File 12949991523.png - (114.16KB , 1262x666 , magicalgirl.png )
>> No. 310 [Edit]
This week's theme: Ancient Greece.
>> No. 311 [Edit]
Actually, I really dislike the new MSpaint. :/

It auto-corrects your lines, smoothing them out.
I'd rather make those corrections myself. I find the shapes and textures cheesy. The new menu format is overly complicated, I like being able to see all my tools at once.
>> No. 313 [Edit]
>auto-corrects your lines, smoothing them out.

That's a damn problem indeed, since it makes text a bit blurry.
But some brushes aren't all that bad, and I do like the fact that we can zoom out now.
>> No. 314 [Edit]
>Ancient Greece.

OMG... that's a subject I extremely respect so it's kind of intimidating. I might think on this one carefully.
>> No. 315 [Edit]
File 12950069977.jpg - (76.30KB , 500x500 , yunopottery.jpg )
Red-figure Yuno
>> No. 316 [Edit]
>It auto-corrects your lines, smoothing them out.

Depends on the brush you use doesn't it?
>> No. 317 [Edit]
I also noticed the fill tool acts all gay if you use a brush different than the standard pencil tool.
>> No. 322 [Edit]
that's real good.
>> No. 331 [Edit]
File 129509665660.png - (63.71KB , 667x818 , Spartazawa.png )
Was Sparta part of ancient Greece? I never got their relation.
>> No. 332 [Edit]
The Spartans were Greek, so yes, they were. I don't think they left a lot of writings like the Athenians did (at least not anything that survived) but we know they had a huge impact on Greek culture, and they even had control over most of Greece for a short time after beating Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Remember that classical ancient Greece was really just a lot of separate cities doing their own thing; "Greece" as a single political entity didn't come into being until way later (maybe even the 1800's if I remember right.)

Can you tell I read history for fun
>> No. 337 [Edit]
File 129542077926.png - (42.54KB , 732x708 , Asuka (eromenos).png )
... the glory that was Greece,
And the grandeur that was Rome.

-Edgar Allan Poe (To Helen)
>> No. 338 [Edit]
I'm a failure. I thought up the topic and couldn't come up with anything.

Anyways, this week's theme: cars.
>> No. 339 [Edit]
File 129579836469.png - (17.55KB , 418x296 , fran car.png )
Why is Franken Fran driving in a car made of decomposed body parts the first thing that comes to my mind?
>> No. 340 [Edit]
I don't know, but I'm glad it was, because it made me smile.
>> No. 353 [Edit]
File 129663021112.png - (345.05KB , 805x547 , car.png )
>> No. 354 [Edit]
File 129663055059.jpg - (20.19KB , 460x300 , DELORIAN.jpg )
reference used
>> No. 355 [Edit]
File 129664803480.png - (22.31KB , 538x500 , drift.png )
>> No. 356 [Edit]
This week's theme: Stars.
>> No. 358 [Edit]
File 129699207628.png - (73.40KB , 538x500 , Mstars.png )
>> No. 359 [Edit]
File 129710552410.jpg - (170.28KB , 800x600 , Kaguya kirby.jpg )
>> No. 360 [Edit]

>> No. 366 [Edit]
File 129733634511.png - (149.08KB , 632x547 , Untitled.png )
10 minutes while sleep deprived
>> No. 367 [Edit]
This week's theme: Waffles
>> No. 368 [Edit]
File 129736699876.png - (19.27KB , 448x375 , kirby waffle.png )
>> No. 369 [Edit]
>> No. 373 [Edit]
File 129743508922.png - (42.22KB , 1208x1010 , wafflepolished.png )
>> No. 380 [Edit]
This week's theme: Rabbits.

It is the year of the rabbit now you know!
>> No. 383 [Edit]
you now realize his teeth are actually cat whiskers

polite sage for not contributing
>> No. 384 [Edit]
That's what I thought it was from the beginning.
>> No. 386 [Edit]
File 129818942864.png - (46.11KB , 737x686 , Reibbit.png )
suddenly, a reibbit.
>> No. 387 [Edit]
File 12982773209.png - (56.20KB , 401x453 , bunny hood.png )
Bunny hood all day, erryday.
>> No. 392 [Edit]
File 129852826495.png - (46.89KB , 892x789 , bunny.png )
>> No. 393 [Edit]
File 129852829547.png - (171.53KB , 892x789 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Alright I admit that was TOO uncreative. This is much better.
>> No. 395 [Edit]
This week's theme: dogs.
>> No. 408 [Edit]
File 129875559730.jpg - (64.24KB , 1000x750 , drawingweek.jpg )
Well, it's not very creative but it fits the guidelines.
>> No. 439 [Edit]
File 129884809154.png - (20.50KB , 524x465 , Gentleman Ein.png )
>> No. 447 [Edit]
File 129885567014.png - (130.74KB , 704x690 , amasterisout.png )
It was there all along!
>> No. 449 [Edit]
File 129885720746.png - (191.52KB , 704x658 , amasterisout.png )
couldn't stop
>> No. 496 [Edit]
This week's theme: Frills
>> No. 517 [Edit]
File 129925020159.png - (77.26KB , 636x565 , derp.png )
touched it up a little
>> No. 538 [Edit]
File 129938118397.jpg - (48.84KB , 700x700 , mizorefrills.jpg )
>> No. 582 [Edit]
File 129977199110.png - (15.52KB , 541x432 , frills dog.png )
I'm still stuck in last week.
>> No. 584 [Edit]
Wow, two weeks at once.
>> No. 621 [Edit]
This weeks theme: Sundresses
>> No. 625 [Edit]
File 129989479555.jpg - (21.09KB , 579x488 , mizoresundress.jpg )
>> No. 646 [Edit]
File 130036791475.jpg - (36.62KB , 801x607 , skydress.jpg )
>> No. 665 [Edit]
This week's theme: Waterfalls
>> No. 666 [Edit]
Holy shit okay

This one I might actually do; I already wanted to do a picture involving a waterfall.
>> No. 668 [Edit]
I drew something but 4chan's oekaki messed up.
>> No. 671 [Edit]
File 130059371287.png - (412.71KB , 580x480 , Platypus in a Turquoise Suit Walking Up a Waterfal.png )
There's a story behind this, though it's not particularly interesting.
>> No. 674 [Edit]
Platypus is an awesome guy. eh doesnt give a fuck about gravity
>> No. 758 [Edit]
File 13014620606.jpg - (23.98KB , 929x564 , untitled.jpg )
This is my idea for an omake eroge concerning the monster girl games. Thsi segment would be living with mandrake.
>> No. 759 [Edit]
File 13014624066.jpg - (194.30KB , 800x600 , 5817.jpg )
It was based on a sort of what if idea involving monster girls ,mainly what if the alraune seed had reached Lamia instead
>> No. 760 [Edit]
File 130146243126.jpg - (169.65KB , 800x600 , 9847.jpg )
>> No. 777 [Edit]
File 130179950673.png - (51.06KB , 1014x666 , lol.png )
Hahaha, this looks absolutely horrid.
>> No. 944 [Edit]
File 130330783185.jpg - (32.03KB , 449x432 , fuckyougirl.jpg )
>> No. 2882 [Edit]
File 151812467669.png - (445.68KB , 723x494 , Aki no Uta.png )
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