No. 573
Thanks for the reply. For clarification, what do you mean by fangirl/fanboy, are you talking about anime fangirls/fanboys because that would be unfortunate. I was hoping, seeing as it is a more specialized school, that there would be more enthusiastic people or at least those that took what they are doing seriously. As for the curriculum, I was mainly wondering if they stressed more the traditional arts or contemporary styles. And the 12f paper, if you just put it in your drawer how do you separate your different cuts (I thought some place might sell an oversized binder or folder or something I was unable to find on my own)?
Regarding the animation, the staggered "all over the place" look was what I was trying to go for but it might have been too far exaggerated because of the missing frames, I see what you mean though, it certainly is an uneven cycle (hand movement, body position, legs, etc). I meant to make it lopsided but the abruptness you might have noticed between the left and right leg movement was not intended as those linking frames have yet to be scanned in.
I didn't plan to repeat it any more than 3-4 times though, the main purpose was to set up a few transitional frames for the camera to zoom in and pan to the side for a profile view which is why the side to side movement also feels so lopsided/back and forth (especially on her left leg). There are other issues but this error was intentional, at least when I started. Wish I could watch your correction but its hard to see how much it improved without the looping. I was going more for style than a traditional run cycle which is why I exaggerated the head bobble, movement, and timing. If you've seen it Mindgame, or any of those highly kinetic 4C productions, I was trying to imitate their style with the very loose volume consistency and somewhat unnatural motion.
There were other more objective issues though, for instance the sleeves reacting before her arms began moving downwards (really they co-occur but it appears to happen before), once you notice it it is pretty jarring, on her left arm especially.