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If you're wondering where all the threads and posts are for /ma/, spammers sent all the threads to /arc/. Be sure to thank magic-chan for giving us their cancer.
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File 166728670931.jpg - (240.17KB , 1133x1600 , 364p1.jpg )
4095 No. 4095 [Edit]
Berserk thread since the last one stayed afloat for almost 7 years. This is also a thread for the continuation project by Studio Gaga with story assistance from Kouji Mori after Miura's unexpected passing in 2021. Fantasia Elf Island Chapter ended recently and a new arc will begin in December.
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>> No. 4096 [Edit]
File 166728681565.jpg - (525.55KB , 1133x1521 , Berserk_v42c370p01.jpg )
>> No. 4097 [Edit]
File 166730951317.jpg - (1.49MB , 1074x1600 , Locus_full_1350232.jpg )
Has it gotten any better since the garbage chapters made by his assistants?

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