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File 167786323099.jpg - (328.10KB , 1256x1853 , misaki rain beautiful.jpg )
4113 No. 4113 [Edit]
Anyone know what chapter exactly there is the hasshaku sama scene? When kii chan dresses as hasshakusama and scares tomoko, when they are on summer break or something. I want it for reference to draw.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2023, 9:07am
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>> No. 4114 [Edit]
File 167804927410.gif - (11.60KB , 465x375 , __suigintou_rozen_maiden_drawn_by_hida_naria__1cb1.gif )
I looked it up and it seems to be chapter 61.
>> No. 4115 [Edit]
File 167811258757.jpg - (558.84KB , 1000x1306 , futakuchionna.jpg )
Thank you!!

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