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File 156955219387.png - (957.63KB , 1102x620 , kf3.png )
498 No. 498 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The mobile game just launched, is anyone here playing it?
27 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 565 [Edit]
Seems like there are quite some heavy/important plot reveal in the latest story mode chapter but my japanese isn't good enough to completely follow it through.
>> No. 578 [Edit]
File 159854926778.jpg - (308.20KB , 1930x1128 , __dhole_captain_and_calenda_kemono_friends_and_1_m.jpg )
I'm conflicted about the latest plot development.
>> No. 579 [Edit]
What happend?
>> No. 580 [Edit]
File 159855650429.jpg - (358.87KB , 1000x1415 , __serval_and_dhole_kemono_friends_drawn_by_inukoro.jpg )
The gist of it is that they are basically going almost the same route as ep.11 and 12 of the S1 anime with Dhole taking the place of Kaban. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing and the writing has been on the wall for a long time anyway. Can't help but feel like Serval is being sidelined in place of Dhole, which is again perfectly normal considering Dhole is the protagonist of this iteration and these things also happen in other series. But I guess the effects of what happened after S1 somehow muddied my perspective of the situation. I feel sorry for both Dhole and Serval somehow.

Post edited on 27th Aug 2020, 1:19pm

File 159660927626.jpg - (132.54KB , 850x599 , ac1e0fa49f661de7b847dc5c8b91d8e0.jpg )
574 No. 574 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do friends bath? Do they stink like humans if they don't clean themselves regularly?
>> No. 575 [Edit]
File 159665331996.png - (840.02KB , 636x900 , __jaguar_and_black_jaguar_kemono_friends_and_1_mor.png )
>> No. 576 [Edit]
Yes there was a hot springs in one of the episodes so I assume they are aware of the concept. Although they don't know that you're supposed to take clothes off.
>> No. 577 [Edit]
File 159666252041.jpg - (380.70KB , 1518x1105 , __pallas_s_cat_kemono_friends_drawn_by_gunzan__deb.jpg )

File 158961793416.jpg - (533.44KB , 707x1000 , bfa8deefd4f4c43808f6b49bdaba6688.jpg )
566 No. 566 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think there's anything anyone can do at this point to save Kemono Friends?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
Short of Kadokawa owning up to their mistakes and somehow managing to get Tatsuki back to make the real season 2, I don't see this train wreck recovering. Then there's the VAs who jumped ship which doesn't help matters much.
>> No. 570 [Edit]
I actually liked Season 2 and don't feel it needs to be saved, it's doing fine.

It's sad what happened to Tatsuki but he was not actually the soul of Kemono Friends, it's not his creation.
>> No. 571 [Edit]
season 2 is very obviously not "doing fine"
>> No. 572 [Edit]
Even the nexon shorts (still ongoing) are better than S2.

File 152852354532.jpg - (144.89KB , 895x565 , 17101903152791.jpg )
436 No. 436 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why aren't you playing this anon?
10 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
File 157981212184.png - (6.83MB , 2508x3541 , __black_tailed_gull_kemono_friends_drawn_by_terane.png )
Seacat is very cute.
>> No. 554 [Edit]
File 157981234193.png - (540.35KB , 800x2450 , __sloth_kemono_friends_drawn_by_moru_monaka__33e27.png )
The old design was alright.
>> No. 555 [Edit]
It looks nice.
>> No. 556 [Edit]
yeah that's a lot better

File 155881624551.jpg - (275.99KB , 1152x2048 , D7bKgUnXoAgGIiK.jpg )
484 No. 484 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Discotek Media, the US publisher known for putting out older/niche titles on Blu-Ray, has announced another niche title: Kemono Friends.

This is the announcement.
33 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 543 [Edit]
Well it's most often called simply Swabian, calling it Swabian German would not strictly be incorrect like calling a katana a katana sword would not strictly be incorrect but it's not often done and saying just Swabian would be far from incorrect.

I'm not really sure that picking that dub would be the best for your argument considering how old it is, it's still better than American though.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
> If I wanted to refer to a specific dialect I would say Swabian German or American English.
And if you did so, I wouldn't comment on it, much less start an argument about it. Can you extend the same understanding in return?
>> No. 545 [Edit]
>Well it's most often called simply Swabian
Among who? Maybe Germans since they all live in the same place and common German is the "default" language there. If I went in public and said I speak American people would either think i'm joking or retarded. It's simply not done.
>like calling a katana a katana sword
No, it's like if I called a horror movie a horror.

I wont bring it up again, but I want you to understand how stupid it sounds to most English speakers, so avoid doing it in real life.

Post edited on 20th Nov 2019, 6:10pm
>> No. 546 [Edit]
Well I checked Wikipedia and it's listed as that there, only the title lists Swabian German(which makes sense as they are creating context).
>Swabian (About this soundSchwäbisch (help·info)) is one of the dialect groups of Alemannic German that belong to the High German dialect continuum.

File 154728522748.jpg - (26.95KB , 650x468 , kf3-arcade_png.jpg )
478 No. 478 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What the fuck is this shit?
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 493 [Edit]

Kemono Friends 3 game OP. Feels like pandering, and not in the best way - although definitely not like a slap in the face.
>> No. 494 [Edit]
Interesting how it shows what's clearly a new human, but is also not shown as being of particular importance going off how they were presented.
>> No. 495 [Edit]
The human is of higher importance in the story trailer:
>> No. 496 [Edit]
I would play it if i knew Japanese.

File 14956989111.jpg - (61.24KB , 850x531 , MY PRE-ODER.jpg )
36 No. 36 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post pictures, reviews, or suggestions for any and all KF merchandise you bought.
16 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
Oh yeah. I mean, the fug does a spoon have to do with the series anyway? Who decided that?
>> No. 470 [Edit]
That's the real question here. It's stretching things but it 'could' be related to the owls. (in which case it should have been photos of them, not serval and kaban.)
>> No. 471 [Edit]
Kadokawa is the entity producing the Blu-Ray set and, presumably, the pre-order bonuses.
>> No. 481 [Edit]
File 154797576855.jpg - (380.13KB , 2016x1512 , 1547938345006.jpg )
Not official, still want

No. 463 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Petition to rename the board to "/kf/ - Kemurikusa Fans".
>> No. 465 [Edit]
File 154513645393.jpg - (538.99KB , 1300x800 , 66034485_p0.jpg )
I suggest /kf/ - KeiFuku-san, considering that both Kemurikusa and Keifuku events happen on the Warship Island.
>> No. 472 [Edit]
File 154581164438.webm - (1.89MB , kmr_off03.webm )
>> No. 475 [Edit]
File 154698521665.jpg - (284.64KB , 1364x755 , kemugame.jpg )
Found a Kemurikusa fangame from December 2014. It's alright.
>> No. 476 [Edit]
That's one heck of a find.

File 149241217215.jpg - (37.37KB , 680x262 , b40.jpg )
5 No. 5 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
To those who haven't seen it yet. It might look like shit but just give it a chance. You wont regret it.
>> No. 21 [Edit]
It's surprisingly deep, and watching never gets boring. However, when I'm not watching Kemono Friends, I feel no urge to watch it. Ultimately mediocre, even if it's a standout in $current_year.
>> No. 473 [Edit]
File 154681897280.png - (322.67KB , 1040x409 , s2.png )
Then there's season 2...
>> No. 474 [Edit]
Even that is too enthusiastic.

No. 453 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Season2 PV dropped recently.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 456 [Edit]
File 153802288920.jpg - (281.32KB , 848x1200 , Dn_RMl-U0AE1Knw.jpg )
Speaking of soulless. those eyes...
>> No. 460 [Edit]
File 154503279059.jpg - (55.65KB , 1278x720 , DESU.jpg )
>> No. 461 [Edit]
What the flip? Why isn't it a continuation of the first season? Where did Kaban go?
>> No. 464 [Edit]
It might be, we wont know for sure until it airs.

File 153250124012.jpg - (1.90MB , 3508x2480 , e0f5922f982128d66df5eb93e271a503.jpg )
449 No. 449 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
mt. rushmore needs a face lift!
>> No. 451 [Edit]
I support this 100%
>> No. 452 [Edit]

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