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File 154728522748.jpg - (26.95KB , 650x468 , kf3-arcade_png.jpg )
478 No. 478 [Edit]
What the fuck is this shit?
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>> No. 479 [Edit]
Sega's arcade and mobile game. Wonder what happened to the Kemono Friends 2 game.
>> No. 480 [Edit]
File 154740772067.png - (27.50KB , 640x480 , kemoxp.png )
Brace yourselves, /kf/. Later this year...
>> No. 491 [Edit]
File 156102213210.jpg - (322.54KB , 2048x1536 , D9VcWSCVAAAafmv.jpg )
At least Sega's marketing team is on point.
>> No. 493 [Edit]

Kemono Friends 3 game OP. Feels like pandering, and not in the best way - although definitely not like a slap in the face.
>> No. 494 [Edit]
Interesting how it shows what's clearly a new human, but is also not shown as being of particular importance going off how they were presented.
>> No. 495 [Edit]
The human is of higher importance in the story trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fRhU7D4LFE
>> No. 496 [Edit]
I would play it if i knew Japanese.

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