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File 158961793416.jpg - (533.44KB , 707x1000 , bfa8deefd4f4c43808f6b49bdaba6688.jpg )
566 No. 566 [Edit]
Do you think there's anything anyone can do at this point to save Kemono Friends?
>> No. 567 [Edit]
Quick Waipa is still doing that season 2 re-imagining, you know.
>> No. 568 [Edit]
No, what's that?
>> No. 569 [Edit]
Short of Kadokawa owning up to their mistakes and somehow managing to get Tatsuki back to make the real season 2, I don't see this train wreck recovering. Then there's the VAs who jumped ship which doesn't help matters much.
>> No. 570 [Edit]
I actually liked Season 2 and don't feel it needs to be saved, it's doing fine.

It's sad what happened to Tatsuki but he was not actually the soul of Kemono Friends, it's not his creation.
>> No. 571 [Edit]
season 2 is very obviously not "doing fine"
>> No. 572 [Edit]
Even the nexon shorts (still ongoing) are better than S2.

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