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File 138905560999.jpg - (131.84KB , 400x554 , tomoko_kuroki_36282.jpg )
2589 No. 2589 [Edit]
Anyone know if there are high-quality tomoko kuroki figs out there?

I'm extremely new to figs and fig collecting, so any tips/info on where to look would also be appreciated.
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>> No. 2590 [Edit]
File 13890568377.jpg - (80.39KB , 600x800 , 166617.jpg )
The Nendoroid version would probably be the best in terms of quality. sega has a prize fig version if you're not into the super deformed chibi style, but prize figs aren't well known for their high quality.
Other than that there's just a few Garage Kits, which would be hard to get outside of japan.
>> No. 2591 [Edit]
What do you think the best place to get that Nendoroid one would be? Most of the places I'm looking at say around 3,400 yen, which is like $34 bucks, but they say Japan Only. J-List has it for $58, which seems way overpriced. Where would you suggest getting it at?
>> No. 2593 [Edit]
J-List is a complete ripoff, I'd highly recommend you avoid them.
3,110 JPY, plus 600 to 1500 jpy for shipping give or take deepening on your preferred type of shipping.
3,258 yen, not sure how much shipping would be, haven't ordered from them in a while.

Both of those will ship out of japan no problem.
J-list just likes to take advantage of people who don't know Japanese sites like that have English versions and ship world wide.
>> No. 2594 [Edit]
3,258 yen, not sure how much shipping would be, haven't ordered from them in a while.

I pre-ordered an issue of Comptiq and chose the cheapest available shipping hoping it would be inexpensive. Well... SURPRISE! $20. To mail a goddamn magazine. And it comes in a box that could fit eight of them. With a bunch of wadded up tissue paper.

Not only did they not even offer me a shipping estimate before I committed to buy, but they basically gouged me for no fucking reason. I'm pretty much never trusting them again as long as I am shipping to the US. I've had better luck with eBay sellers...
>> No. 2595 [Edit]
I think magazine are gonna be expensive to ship no matter where you get them from.
>> No. 2629 [Edit]
File 139115734530.jpg - (115.82KB , 600x904 , tomoko_prototype.jpg )
I wouldn't really call her high quality but Sega released a PM figure recently. I'm actually bidding on her right now. She's dirt cheap but I think she'll look cute paired with the Nendoroid.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
looks pretty nice
>> No. 2636 [Edit]
It's good! SEGA actually does great and affordable works. However, right now I'm totally broke; will search for it later.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
yea, it cost me like 40$ to ship a hobby magazine with a little p0-1 from horizon.
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