No. 2384
- (97.70KB
, 640x392
, hg-seed-raider-gundam-pa.jpg
>You can't really expect much from most Gundam series,
I find it hard to overstate my disagreement with this sentence, but this isn't /an/, so fuck it.
Funny thing, though. I got a Gundam SEED model kit last Christmas from my sister. Some anime memorabilia place in New York had a $50 grab bag full of random shit, and among said shit was a Raider Gundam model kit.
SEED, and even moreso SEED Destiny are two of the most notoriously hated series among Gundam fans, but damned if the thing's design didn't make me a little curious to see what all the anti-hype's about.
The K-ON! Mio plushy from the same gift bag kinda makes me want to finally get around to watching K-ON! as well. It's pretty far from my usual taste, but it's looking a lot more appealing than Gundam SEED. For me, that's saying a lot. About both.