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625 No. 625 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is the best anime to watch while high?
>> No. 627 [Edit]
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I tried watching madoka on LSD last night leading into my 21st birthday. I couldn't even get past the first episode but it cemented even more the fact that Madoka Magica is one of the most beautiful and wonderful things humans have ever created.
>> No. 629 [Edit]
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Non Non Biyori or Serial Experiments Lain

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608 No. 608 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've almost overdosed twice this ywar
anyone else had experiences? probably for the best
>> No. 609 [Edit]
What did you almost OD on?
Do you have harm reduction? Would you consider yourself addicted to whatever it is?

I haven't had anything interesting lately, nevermind all year. I've wanted that to change, but there's not really a pleasant substance on what's left of the clearnet lately.
It baffles me, the stupidity people tend to embark on when they have OD / near-OD events.
>> No. 611 [Edit]
Coke and alcohol respectively
Don't know what you mean by harm reduction, but I usually do the basics of keeping it as safe as possible. I Don't consider myself addicted to any substance specifically but I think I probably have a dependence on being altered.
OD/near-ODing I think breaks your brain in a way that people are more suscept to act retarded after, im definitely not an exception
>> No. 626 [Edit]
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> anyone else had experiences?
Almost overdosed on K2 and choked on my own vomit several times, had a trip to the hospital after mixing 1.5g of diphenhydramine with long lasting bezodiazepines, alcohol and depressive post-rock, and another less serious one with injecting methoxphenidine into my butthole. Remember guys, you can (not) have a conversation with your mother after a celestial rocket to the void!

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445 No. 445 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I came up with a politically correct alternative to the conventional - and very negative - term "drug addict"

medicine otaku

good or great?
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 455 [Edit]
That's great.
>> No. 456 [Edit]
I'm taking my medicine right now. Feels great.
>> No. 457 [Edit]
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I was high all of last week, and I'm sort of glad it's over.

It won't stop me from doing it all over again next time I get paid, though.
>> No. 624 [Edit]
Makes sense. Things considered "nerdy" and drugs are considered counterculture, so it seems to go hand in hand

This. There's alot of hippy types who are as interested in drug culture and education as much or more than the drugs themselves. Myself included

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622 No. 622 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I can't decide if I should use the last of my money on DXM or not
It's not like I need the money for anything, but I live with my parents and I don't want them finding it. Im going to buy an All Might plush so I can make an excuse to a package coming but is it worth it?
>> No. 623 [Edit]
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Depends what you really want. You didn't say what form of DXM you'd be ordering. You know you can find this stuff at pharmacies and supermarkets right? It's certainly a lot easier to sneak a bottle of gelcaps or a bottle into the house than try to subterfuge a package through.

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541 No. 541 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Unfortunately I got none of that 420 stuff but I do have plenty of vodka. Whats your drink of choice TC? Screwdrivers are love.

Whats the NEET life without the occasional affair with alcoholism?
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 547 [Edit]
I really want to try some nip beer just to see how it compares to the crap I normally drink, last night went out for a pack of 30 budlites they now sell here.

Its water, but it works. Although I've never been much a snob when it comes to beers, I want the effect then the rest.
>> No. 557 [Edit]
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>> No. 605 [Edit]
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I love Redd's, Raspberry is my favorite.
>> No. 620 [Edit]
Vodka, straight. I love it.
Not everyone knows how to drink it but it's easy.
Here's the traditional method practiced by us slavs:
First inhale through the nose and hold your breath. Swallow your drink, than exhale through the mouth only, keeping your nasal passage closed the whole time.
Repeat the cycle of inhaling through nose only and exhaling through mouth a couple of times.

It might sound awkward and forced but it's easy to get used to.
It's not a sudden, manual interruption of normal and relaxed respiration, just a different natural rhythm added to the cycle.

Drank like this the spirit tastes smoother, better. The intoxication feels somewhat different too (more pleasant in my opinion) as you don't inhale as much alcohol vapour.

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523 No. 523 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since most posts here are shitposts, why can't we just collect anime related trippy gifs and tell on which drug we are right now?

100µg 1P-LSD afterglow reporting in.
34 posts and 26 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 616 [Edit]
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DXM currently. I drank a bottle of delsym and im feeling pretty good, just laying in bed. Very tired, but in a good way I guess. Anyone lurking?
>> No. 617 [Edit]
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I check in now and again.

Delsym huh? I've heard good things. They don't seem to sell it here though.
>> No. 618 [Edit]
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First time using morphine
Gotta say, not as good as hydrocodone
I only took it because I don't have any hydro left
I'm very glad I'm getting more tomorrow
Anyway, I made some trippy gifs of my waifu to look at while tripping a couple days ago
>> No. 619 [Edit]
kek i'm high on dxm

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421 No. 421 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
first post and I am on dxm is this real
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 496 [Edit]
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I'm about to take DXM and even I'm not sure if this is real.
Apparently it's been here for years.
I never got the memo.
>> No. 509 [Edit]
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DXM general?

I'll post here, since I don't like the kind of responses I'd get posting on 420chan and I'd like to see this board used.

Gonna do 600mg in a few days, in the form of Robogels.
Haven't really been reacting to the far more economical syrup lately, it just makes me puke or shit and doesn't get me past a high 2nd plat on a 750mg dose.

The whole ordeal is making me consider going back to just 300mg Robogel trips only and eschewing the higher plats because I just can't reach them anymore, even when I potentiate and keep it all in.

At this point all I want is access to better drugs.
>> No. 511 [Edit]
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Just finished downing 40 robogels in 2 hours. I preloaded with, 30ml Pepto-Bismol, 1000mg of Garlic, 50DPH and drank 500ml of pink grapefruit juice.

I've only just started feeling the effects of the DXM, this is probably due to the delayed onset incurred by the consumption of pink grapefruit juice.

As far as headspace goes, I've have a few good omens today, listening to the Animatrix soundtrack on the walk to the drugstore was amazing, I saw am empty bottle of DXM-only Benylin and felt a sort of kinship with a stranger, knowing the only reason it'd be there is because someone downed it on the way home.
They're either tired of the Wildberry flavour or they don't know better since "Tickly cough" has a shitload of sorbitol which will make you shit a shitload.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
I tried DXM for the first time yesterday, and man was it nice. I just took a lot of regular cough medicine, so it hurt my stomach at first. It kicked in about an hour later, my vision was kinda weird but I felt very relaxed. I had this ( song stuck in my head the whole time and at one point I started slowly dancing to it, thats how chill I was. I had to do the dishes so it took me a bit longer than usual to get them done, but I was high the whole time so it wasn't as hard and stressful. Then I just watched movies and it was nice. I think it lasted for about 3-5 hours, which I was surprised about. I'm probably gonna do it once or twice a month now. It really helps me relax and stay calm.

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469 No. 469 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
need more hydros and oxys
>> No. 522 [Edit]
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My only experience with opioids is with Kratom (and technically DXM) and even this shitty mud hooks me so bad, that I'm glad to not have a source for the good stuff.

May the angels be with you, with us all.
>> No. 593 [Edit]
I wish I had some oxy. Such a good high

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486 No. 486 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
wake n bake 420
25 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 521 [Edit]
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>> No. 584 [Edit]
This vape ain't working any more.
>> No. 585 [Edit]
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Does it need a new coil? A new battery? Hopefully you didn't buy one of those uber-proprietary vapes with no replaceable parts...
>> No. 586 [Edit]
Naw it's good. Turns out the wax was getting low + I wasn't taking puffs. USB charger shit. High right now, good shit

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538 No. 538 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you don't want this board deleted, vote in this poll.
>> No. 545 [Edit]
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>> No. 555 [Edit]
Didn't know you were so pro-druggie-culture. How disappointing.

Enjoy your victory though, I guess.
>> No. 558 [Edit]
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I wouldn't say I'm big on it. In fact I'd say the opposite. Most druggies, and "druggie culture" in general, are not worthy of respect.

That said there's a hidden board on this website in which users discuss real life meetups, and it's mentioned that two users would even be sharing a room (hmm why is that...). There are posts on this board from well before I started using this site, and just like that other hidden board, I think there's no reason to delete them as they're a part of the history of Tohno-chan.

I was surprised to see that this board made it to the rules page (replacing the /txt/ thread). I was again surprised to see that it made the front page, and while I didn't say anything until it came under dispute, I did not think it was a good idea from the start. I voted to make it a hidden board in the poll.

I've deleted enough drug-related posts on other boards to think that this board is worth keeping. I don't want to turn this into a blog so I'll stop there. Feel free to PM me on IRC or call me out in the channel if you have more comments.

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530 No. 530 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

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