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File 14191578372.jpg - (551.99KB , 907x1256 , Privat-Livemont-Absinthe_Robette-1896.jpg )
472 No. 472 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Share your Green Fairy experiences, interest or them lack them of.
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 478 [Edit]
File 141915975050.jpg - (409.76KB , 1664x1692 , bottless 2014.jpg )
>The pic shows them all

Sorry. Here are the bottles.
>> No. 479 [Edit]
This is the english documentary:

Sorry again.
>> No. 480 [Edit]
File 142731453789.jpg - (356.90KB , 2049x832 , absinthes 2015-1.jpg )
Just a little update.

Products tasted ever since last time (be not fooled by the relative sizes in the image; most of them are 70cl but scale isn't unified):

- Liqueur La Clandestine Creme d'Absinthe 15° [Absinthe-based dessert drink]
- La Clandestine 53°
- Abisinthe Amer 72°
- La Ptite 53°
- La Valdetra Verte 65°
- Butterfly 65°
- Eichelberger Verte 78°

Overall current ranking (not including past failures):

Abisinthe Amer 72° < Eichelberger Verte 78° < [WOULD BUY AGAIN] < Butterfly 65° < Libertine 72° < Authentique 65° < Enigma 72° < La Valdetra Verte 65° = La Ptite 53° < Angélique 68° = La Clandestine 53°
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
So pour Absinthe into a glass and drink it right? Got it.

File 13579692212.jpg - (20.69KB , 600x337 , woop.jpg )
423 No. 423 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
anyone want to be a cartoon with me
>> No. 424 [Edit]
I have married one, let's do this.
>> No. 439 [Edit]
Tokiko what the hell did you do to me
>> No. 461 [Edit]
Chinese mind poison is so bad but I'll be damned if it doesn't make anything look awesome as hell.

File 13582902816.jpg - (186.30KB , 1065x735 , tumblr_mepy7o5K3Z1rgm4nco1_1280.jpg )
433 No. 433 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
eating a sandwich.

File 135797206979.jpg - (287.10KB , 2148x1432 , Regular_strength_enteric_coated_aspirin_tablets[1].jpg )
431 No. 431 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it safe to drink ginger ale with aspirin? I read somewhere that you should not mix drinks with medicine and I don't know if this is safe.

Picture is very related, the pills I have look just like these, they're orange.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
Not unless you want to have a solid nod for a good 24-48 hours. Surprisingly an enzyme in ginger ale called "gingerine" has the ability to combine with acetylsalicylic acid (the active ingredient of aspirin) to simulate and recreate the common opiate morphine's chemical structure. When junkies can't get there DOC, they've been known to steal cases of ginger ale and aspirin to make their own ghetto Drank. But be careful, the nod feels dirty and it is quite easy to overdose.

Stay safe pal.
>> No. 470 [Edit]

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