No. 558
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I wouldn't say I'm big on it. In fact I'd say the opposite. Most druggies, and "druggie culture" in general, are not worthy of respect.
That said there's a hidden board on this website in which users discuss real life meetups, and it's mentioned that two users would even be sharing a room (hmm why is that...). There are posts on this board from well before I started using this site, and just like that other hidden board, I think there's no reason to delete them as they're a part of the history of Tohno-chan.
I was surprised to see that this board made it to the rules page (replacing the /txt/ thread). I was again surprised to see that it made the front page, and while I didn't say anything until it came under dispute, I did not think it was a good idea from the start. I voted to make it a hidden board in the poll.
I've deleted enough drug-related posts on other boards to think that this board is worth keeping. I don't want to turn this into a blog so I'll stop there. Feel free to PM me on IRC or call me out in the channel if you have more comments.