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File 154442164847.png - (247.88KB , 472x428 , 3ef9fb9e1cd3a9a6220a25b5d28e3fab82d2b7b5.png )
608 No. 608 [Edit]
I've almost overdosed twice this ywar
anyone else had experiences? probably for the best
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>> No. 609 [Edit]
What did you almost OD on?
Do you have harm reduction? Would you consider yourself addicted to whatever it is?

I haven't had anything interesting lately, nevermind all year. I've wanted that to change, but there's not really a pleasant substance on what's left of the clearnet lately.
It baffles me, the stupidity people tend to embark on when they have OD / near-OD events.
>> No. 611 [Edit]
Coke and alcohol respectively
Don't know what you mean by harm reduction, but I usually do the basics of keeping it as safe as possible. I Don't consider myself addicted to any substance specifically but I think I probably have a dependence on being altered.
OD/near-ODing I think breaks your brain in a way that people are more suscept to act retarded after, im definitely not an exception
>> No. 626 [Edit]
File 15707319305.png - (183.93KB , 400x400 , yakui3.png )
> anyone else had experiences?
Almost overdosed on K2 and choked on my own vomit several times, had a trip to the hospital after mixing 1.5g of diphenhydramine with long lasting bezodiazepines, alcohol and depressive post-rock, and another less serious one with injecting methoxphenidine into my butthole. Remember guys, you can (not) have a conversation with your mother after a celestial rocket to the void!

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