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File 135796839282.png - (474.21KB , 853x480 , 582381_10151351755328464_1101028615_n.png )
421 No. 421 [Edit]
first post and I am on dxm is this real
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>> No. 422 [Edit]
No it's not, your post is second.
>> No. 496 [Edit]
File 148738333485.jpg - (818.06KB , 1366x768 , God_Is_An_Astronaut.jpg )
I'm about to take DXM and even I'm not sure if this is real.
Apparently it's been here for years.
I never got the memo.
>> No. 509 [Edit]
File 148849888564.jpg - (646.77KB , 853x480 , index (7).jpg )
DXM general?

I'll post here, since I don't like the kind of responses I'd get posting on 420chan and I'd like to see this board used.

Gonna do 600mg in a few days, in the form of Robogels.
Haven't really been reacting to the far more economical syrup lately, it just makes me puke or shit and doesn't get me past a high 2nd plat on a 750mg dose.

The whole ordeal is making me consider going back to just 300mg Robogel trips only and eschewing the higher plats because I just can't reach them anymore, even when I potentiate and keep it all in.

At this point all I want is access to better drugs.
>> No. 511 [Edit]
File 148860433671.jpg - (39.49KB , 540x309 , qweasdzxc vdfv.jpg )
Just finished downing 40 robogels in 2 hours. I preloaded with, 30ml Pepto-Bismol, 1000mg of Garlic, 50DPH and drank 500ml of pink grapefruit juice.

I've only just started feeling the effects of the DXM, this is probably due to the delayed onset incurred by the consumption of pink grapefruit juice.

As far as headspace goes, I've have a few good omens today, listening to the Animatrix soundtrack on the walk to the drugstore was amazing, I saw am empty bottle of DXM-only Benylin and felt a sort of kinship with a stranger, knowing the only reason it'd be there is because someone downed it on the way home.
They're either tired of the Wildberry flavour or they don't know better since "Tickly cough" has a shitload of sorbitol which will make you shit a shitload.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
I tried DXM for the first time yesterday, and man was it nice. I just took a lot of regular cough medicine, so it hurt my stomach at first. It kicked in about an hour later, my vision was kinda weird but I felt very relaxed. I had this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lBNTDSyHZA) song stuck in my head the whole time and at one point I started slowly dancing to it, thats how chill I was. I had to do the dishes so it took me a bit longer than usual to get them done, but I was high the whole time so it wasn't as hard and stressful. Then I just watched movies and it was nice. I think it lasted for about 3-5 hours, which I was surprised about. I'm probably gonna do it once or twice a month now. It really helps me relax and stay calm.

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