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File 149699764123.gif - (1.36MB , 500x396 , animecig.gif )
567 No. 567 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
i fucking love tobacco. dip, pouches, cigarettes, let's talk about it.

i started out on camel crush, i smoked them for around a year.
i finally got a taste for actual tobacco unhampered by menthol later when an old friend gave me a carton of peace lights.
moved up from peace lights onto camel wides, to american spirits, to traffic reds(cheap and strong!), to parliaments, to lucky strike unfiltered, and have tried everything in between at least once.
i got pneumonia and sinus infections and killed all of my taste buds so i had to use dip for a while, until those started giving my mouth ulcers, so i would go back to cigarettes till they made me sick again, then back to dip, repeat.

finally i quit for my waifu. i want to live as long as possible.
but i still think back on tobacco extremely fondly and bring it up in conversation often.

i never liked marlboros, i don't know why they're loved by all. they were flavorless in my opinion. maybe that's why people like them. i think cigarettes scare everybody even if they don't admit it, so they like smoking something that has no flavor so as to not remind them further that they're dying?
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>> No. 599 [Edit]
Haven't smoked in ages, simply cannot afford it at these prices.
I'm not ripping my skin out, but damn do I want a smoke.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
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So I switched to e-cig because of the price, and I read people saying it tastes even better than cigarettes, but to me they taste nothing like it, nowhere near as good.

That said, I know there are a lot of makers of flavours and they maybe as good but I haven't tried them.
>> No. 603 [Edit]
I imagine as a smoker, you're used to more nuanced, richer flavours than e-cigarettes can provide. Vaping really took off because people were enamored with the variety of choices and indeed, I only took it up because of such choice was also universally available in a nicotine-free version. Maybe at the higher end of the price range there are flavours with more complexity, but I've yet to taste them. There also seems to be a relation to flavour and temperature that's difficult to achieve, since higher temperatures vaporize more juice and therefore give off more taste, higher temperatures also tend to degrade and eventually burn the juice and scorch the coil which ruins the experience.
>> No. 675 [Edit]
I started when I was 7/8 because my dad thought it'd be funny to put a lot cigarette in my mouth and since I always would pick him some up on the way to school I just eventually stuck with it

I typically smoke either camel wides or camel filterless, sometimes I roll my own cigarettes, I use a Moore, burley, and hoping blend when rolling my own due to most cigarettes available in the store now being dog shit and just being paper mulch that was soaked in tobacco water without containing any actual tobacco

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634 No. 634 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My drug dealer told me that he had Corona..
>> No. 635 [Edit]
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Well atleast they had the foresight to tell you.

I hope you're not strung on something and without a supply now.
Clearnet's still open. Dunno about the darknet. Everything looks like a scam right now.
>> No. 636 [Edit]
I used to order Heroin from the Netherlands but now I'm too afraid since they control the border more. No idea if they control packages aswell.

The stuff here in Germany is way more expensive but at least I found a decent dealer. Nothings gonna stop me from a good sesh with my wafu
>> No. 672 [Edit]
Ordering from the clearnet?? No way. Must be some very mild drug?

Anyway, is the dn still worth it?
>> No. 674 [Edit]
I assume he is ordering research chemicals like some benzos are. Some clearnet shops sell those, but there is always this warning "ONLY USE FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES". I never bought from them though...yet.

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673 No. 673 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Zippo from dad

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548 No. 548 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Marijuana (smoked, vaped, BHO, hash)
Tobacco (cigarette, cigar, pipe)
25 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 663 [Edit]
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DXM, mixed bag, very religious and gave me disso induced hypomania when I was doing it a lot, bad for you
LSD, usually underwhelming, if I take enough to get more than a little weird the comedown sucks
Psilocybin, acid but better, less of an obnoxious stimulant.
Ativan, fuck benzos
Xanax, fuck benzos
Vyvanse, all 3 of these are briefly fun in high doses but really nice and somewhat sustainably helpful with low-moderate ones
Hydrocodone, fuck opiates
Ketamine, too good, too addictive, too expensive, my love
Cocaine, stupid, numb face is cool
MDMA, 10/10, the one
Nitrous, good when combined with all the good ones
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>> No. 664 [Edit]
Nitrous oxide
LSD & analogues
Ayahuasca (M. hostilis + P. harmala)
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>> No. 665 [Edit]
Agreed nothing beats MDMA. Nothing.
>> No. 671 [Edit]
I'm contemplating ordering RC benzos, as those are cheaper than I thought.

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669 No. 669 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
dude weed lmao
>> No. 670 [Edit]
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A thread (didn't) die for this.

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666 No. 666 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This shit was sold to me as 2C-B and only after I got it did I hear about this pink cocaine fad that's suddenly swept across the world. I sent it to a testing service and they said it's a mixture of ketamine, MDMA and caffeine in equal amounts.

This shit is so retarded for how expensive it is. But has anyone here tried it? Surely it must be enjoyable if it's so popular right?
>> No. 667 [Edit]
God that sounds like such a shit product. Especially if it's expensive.

Nice 666 GET
>> No. 668 [Edit]
Why? MDMA + ketamine sounds like heaven. But yeah, marketing it as le pink cocaine is fucking retarded.

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659 No. 659 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I wish drugs weren't such a normalfag activity
>> No. 660 [Edit]
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That only depends on which ones.
>> No. 661 [Edit]
Continuing from >>/tat/1590

For the specific case of Marijuana, yes I see some studies showing drop in IQ. But there are also more recent studies that don't show any drop. More investigation seems needed, possibly stratifying by age-group, usage frequency, and dose. Possibly also could be selection effect here where IQ is correlated with being successful in life and successful people don't generally take up smoking in the first place. There is a plausible biological mechanism, which is why I wouldn't necessarily advocate it, but to claim that it's more dangerous than e.g. alcohol seems quite absurd.

As for psychadelics like mushrooms, LSD, or DMT, I've seen a lot of studies that at low doses these are supposedly even beneficial for resolving trauma, or promoting neuroplasticity. Also psychadelics have been a part of many religions, so it cannot be written off there. Panning these seems even more dubious.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
What I'd be more interested in is why you don't consider alcohol to be as bad as the other two. From what I've read psychadelics surely don't really make you aggressive or a public nuisance, because at high enough doses to be an issue you won't even be able to stand straight.

As for cannabis link to aggression, I did find this exact study (I do wonder how they even got grant money for this. "Let's get a bunch of test subjects to get high and drunk" and gauge their response)

>It is concluded that alcohol facilitates feelings of aggression whereas cannabis diminishes aggressive feelings in heavy alcohol and regular cannabis users, respectively.

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651 No. 651 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
To anybody who's taken psychedelics like magic mushrooms or LCD, have you noticed any positive effects on your emotional state or thinking ability?
>> No. 652 [Edit]
I hear that new oled stuff is even more potent.

Kidding aside, microdosing lsd is pretty well researched as this point and established as a pretty good treatment for depression, at least far better than the drug cocktail the shrinks give you. And microdosing should prevent the potential of a bad trip.

There's also some interesting anecdotes from people have spent a lot of time meditating and then taken some amount of lsd/mushrooms for fun that the experience of altered consciousness is similar. This kind of makes sense given that ancient people probably used things like ayahusca as a intermediary gateway into deeper meditative states. So pairing the two might work wel
>> No. 654 [Edit]
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I feel like what's learned from the experience is what you take away more than any lingering effects of the actual drugs.
The drugs themselves do induce a positive feeling, if you aren't experiencing an existential horror.
LSD in low doses can make you grin like an idiot for hours when accompanied by an activity you enjoy like playing video games.
>> No. 655 [Edit]
Most of my experience with drugs is with LSD. I've found the trip itself it's like all your defense mechanisms are turned off, or at least on at some minimal level. All of the ways you conceive of things become blurry as if they were the same thing and you turn into a gullible child willing to explore concepts you'd normally think of as absolutely retarded in good faith. That effect can linger from a day or two to weeks depending on how much you take. Plus it's fun. Music sounds amazing and you get to see all sorts of pretty visual distortions.

I'd describe it as sometimes horrifying but overall positive. I dull myself to a lot of emotion and intellectualize a lot. Lucy hasn't cured me of that completely but it's a lot more manageable and I don't dissociate as much anymore.

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426 No. 426 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What type of multivitamins does tohnochan take?
I've stuck with taking 3 gummy bears a day, since it gets dangerous swallowing the larger pills.

Nothing like a nice cup of caffeinated coffee with a few vitamins to kickstart my day.
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>> No. 429 [Edit]
I do harder stuff (caffeine), reread the post. Anyways, I don't really think taking vitamins will help you with your oral health. Try gargling some salt water for a while to clean out your teeth, or use baking soda. I don't recommend fluoride for obvious reasons (JEWS), but baking soda and salt water work just fine anyhow. Chew some mint gum for fresh breath afterwards.
>> No. 430 [Edit]
Today I drank some decaf tea and then dosed on some Advil.

I didn't chose the thug life, the thug life chose me.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
problem with vitamin gummies is that the sugar is too addictive. I'd probably end up eating the whole jar and die of vitamin A poisoning.
>> No. 653 [Edit]
Took some omega-3 fish oil today. Highly potent concentrated version.

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638 No. 638 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You guys grow your own stuff? If you can't do it indoor, try a outdoor guerilla grow. Now with the Corona quarantine and fewer people being outside is the best time. You can still buy seeds online and sow em out now!

This year I'll grow Royal Critical and Retarded Monkey Kush.

Fuck normie dealers!
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>> No. 644 [Edit]
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The board has like 4 people lurking from my estimates.
I've read every post.

Careful doxxing yourself with newspapers as a background.
>> No. 645 [Edit]
How much info can you realistically get off news papers in the background? Date and general location?
>> No. 647 [Edit]
Nice grow, anon.
>> No. 648 [Edit]
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>Nice grow, anon.
Thanks my man. Last year I fucked up but it's actually quite simple.

>Careful doxxing yourself with newspapers as a background.
Actually right. My luck that Tohno and especially the /420/ board is probably full of bros.

You won't believe it but my neighbour actually stole 2 of my plants from the balcony on the first floor! I doubt it was the 50 year old accountant who lives here aswell.

But now I harvested the last one. Sadly I had to cut of a handfull of buds that started to rot from the weather...

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460 No. 460 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
im aaso hi lol
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>> No. 631 [Edit]
File 157861827497.jpg - (65.51KB , 440x369 , F9A8D478-3F50-43D5-B8E8-C9AB62093072.jpg )
Getting high and playing Steins;Gate. Cozy weeb time
>> No. 632 [Edit]
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smoking a bowl and playing Fatal Frame 2

really appreciate a legit scary game with a fun arcade gameplay when I'm high
>> No. 633 [Edit]
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immediately smoke weed and look at cute anime girls after work. gotta wash my brain after being forced interact with normalfags.
>> No. 637 [Edit]
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Hi, I'm high

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