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File 158913861624.png - (1.58MB , 714x1030 , Sumpfkraut.png )
638 No. 638 [Edit]
You guys grow your own stuff? If you can't do it indoor, try a outdoor guerilla grow. Now with the Corona quarantine and fewer people being outside is the best time. You can still buy seeds online and sow em out now!

This year I'll grow Royal Critical and Retarded Monkey Kush.

Fuck normie dealers!
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>> No. 639 [Edit]
Weed ain't my jazz at all but;

Growing shrooms sounds like a decent idea if one could ever acquire the private space required.
It's really not that hard, the hardest part would probably be getting a real spore syringe without getting yourself on a list somewhere.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
File 159337301864.jpg - (98.26KB , 600x691 , Hippie girl anime.jpg )
Aren't there grow boxes made for mushrooms? From what I saw they don't take up much space or at least way less than indoor weed.
I got really into looking for local plants that can get you high. Most of the time the high sucks but its a good hobby to just get outdoors and learn new stuff. Had to throw up from fly agaric tho.
>> No. 642 [Edit]
File 159431231419.png - (2.96MB , 1135x975 , bloom.png )
Left: Today
Right: one week ago.

Guess my baby is starting to bloom.
>> No. 643 [Edit]
File 159700367313.png - (5.15MB , 2847x1632 , trim.png )
1 out of 7 plants harvested and dried. 24 grams of bud, maybe 5g of potent trim and I mate badass strong butter from the leaves.

is anyone even reading this?
>> No. 644 [Edit]
File 159737016168.png - (1.90MB , 1238x1871 , 1564910663422 (1).png )
The board has like 4 people lurking from my estimates.
I've read every post.

Careful doxxing yourself with newspapers as a background.
>> No. 645 [Edit]
How much info can you realistically get off news papers in the background? Date and general location?
>> No. 647 [Edit]
Nice grow, anon.
>> No. 648 [Edit]
File 160367454762.png - (2.98MB , 1905x956 , trimy1.png )
>Nice grow, anon.
Thanks my man. Last year I fucked up but it's actually quite simple.

>Careful doxxing yourself with newspapers as a background.
Actually right. My luck that Tohno and especially the /420/ board is probably full of bros.

You won't believe it but my neighbour actually stole 2 of my plants from the balcony on the first floor! I doubt it was the 50 year old accountant who lives here aswell.

But now I harvested the last one. Sadly I had to cut of a handfull of buds that started to rot from the weather...

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