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File 135796969392.jpg - (41.96KB , 207x247 , 07-1361-diet-vitamins-childrens-gummy-lil-critters.jpg )
426 No. 426 [Edit]
What type of multivitamins does tohnochan take?
I've stuck with taking 3 gummy bears a day, since it gets dangerous swallowing the larger pills.

Nothing like a nice cup of caffeinated coffee with a few vitamins to kickstart my day.
>> No. 427 [Edit]
Can vitamin really be considered to be a drug?

Anyway, I eat Gummy Vites sour vitamin bears since I never brush my teeth but don't want them to fall out. A handful when I wake up, a handful for lunch. Great shit dawg.
>> No. 429 [Edit]
I do harder stuff (caffeine), reread the post. Anyways, I don't really think taking vitamins will help you with your oral health. Try gargling some salt water for a while to clean out your teeth, or use baking soda. I don't recommend fluoride for obvious reasons (JEWS), but baking soda and salt water work just fine anyhow. Chew some mint gum for fresh breath afterwards.
>> No. 430 [Edit]
Today I drank some decaf tea and then dosed on some Advil.

I didn't chose the thug life, the thug life chose me.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
problem with vitamin gummies is that the sugar is too addictive. I'd probably end up eating the whole jar and die of vitamin A poisoning.
>> No. 653 [Edit]
Took some omega-3 fish oil today. Highly potent concentrated version.

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