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File 16376033453.png - (11.41KB , 400x400 , 1636747715344.png )
659 No. 659 [Edit]
I wish drugs weren't such a normalfag activity
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>> No. 660 [Edit]
File 163782452161.png - (2.32MB , 2048x2897 , 1635698210280.png )
That only depends on which ones.
>> No. 661 [Edit]
Continuing from >>/tat/1590

For the specific case of Marijuana, yes I see some studies showing drop in IQ. But there are also more recent studies that don't show any drop. More investigation seems needed, possibly stratifying by age-group, usage frequency, and dose. Possibly also could be selection effect here where IQ is correlated with being successful in life and successful people don't generally take up smoking in the first place. There is a plausible biological mechanism, which is why I wouldn't necessarily advocate it, but to claim that it's more dangerous than e.g. alcohol seems quite absurd.

As for psychadelics like mushrooms, LSD, or DMT, I've seen a lot of studies that at low doses these are supposedly even beneficial for resolving trauma, or promoting neuroplasticity. Also psychadelics have been a part of many religions, so it cannot be written off there. Panning these seems even more dubious.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
What I'd be more interested in is why you don't consider alcohol to be as bad as the other two. From what I've read psychadelics surely don't really make you aggressive or a public nuisance, because at high enough doses to be an issue you won't even be able to stand straight.

As for cannabis link to aggression, I did find this exact study (I do wonder how they even got grant money for this. "Let's get a bunch of test subjects to get high and drunk" and gauge their response)


>It is concluded that alcohol facilitates feelings of aggression whereas cannabis diminishes aggressive feelings in heavy alcohol and regular cannabis users, respectively.

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