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File 149699764123.gif - (1.36MB , 500x396 , animecig.gif )
567 No. 567 [Edit]
i fucking love tobacco. dip, pouches, cigarettes, let's talk about it.

i started out on camel crush, i smoked them for around a year.
i finally got a taste for actual tobacco unhampered by menthol later when an old friend gave me a carton of peace lights.
moved up from peace lights onto camel wides, to american spirits, to traffic reds(cheap and strong!), to parliaments, to lucky strike unfiltered, and have tried everything in between at least once.
i got pneumonia and sinus infections and killed all of my taste buds so i had to use dip for a while, until those started giving my mouth ulcers, so i would go back to cigarettes till they made me sick again, then back to dip, repeat.

finally i quit for my waifu. i want to live as long as possible.
but i still think back on tobacco extremely fondly and bring it up in conversation often.

i never liked marlboros, i don't know why they're loved by all. they were flavorless in my opinion. maybe that's why people like them. i think cigarettes scare everybody even if they don't admit it, so they like smoking something that has no flavor so as to not remind them further that they're dying?
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>> No. 568 [Edit]
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i like american spirits. i don't smoke much anymore. maybe twice a year. i partly want to more often, but i'd probably regret it after i start sounding and smelling like a smoker everywhere i go
>> No. 587 [Edit]
I always liked the smell of tobacco, ever since I was a kid. So naturally my first smokes were not menthols or anything flavoured as I wanted the tobacco flavour, I'm guessing people who smoke menthols don't.
Enjoyed Camel filtered and Mevius (Mild Seven) but can't find MS in my country.
Speaking of my country, tobacco is taxed quite a bit here so a lot of people rolling now. I wonder how this will pan out, as the plan is to keep increasing tobacco tax ad infinitum.
>> No. 594 [Edit]
I tried menthols.
Damn they're good.
>> No. 599 [Edit]
Haven't smoked in ages, simply cannot afford it at these prices.
I'm not ripping my skin out, but damn do I want a smoke.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
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So I switched to e-cig because of the price, and I read people saying it tastes even better than cigarettes, but to me they taste nothing like it, nowhere near as good.

That said, I know there are a lot of makers of flavours and they maybe as good but I haven't tried them.
>> No. 603 [Edit]
I imagine as a smoker, you're used to more nuanced, richer flavours than e-cigarettes can provide. Vaping really took off because people were enamored with the variety of choices and indeed, I only took it up because of such choice was also universally available in a nicotine-free version. Maybe at the higher end of the price range there are flavours with more complexity, but I've yet to taste them. There also seems to be a relation to flavour and temperature that's difficult to achieve, since higher temperatures vaporize more juice and therefore give off more taste, higher temperatures also tend to degrade and eventually burn the juice and scorch the coil which ruins the experience.
>> No. 675 [Edit]
I started when I was 7/8 because my dad thought it'd be funny to put a lot cigarette in my mouth and since I always would pick him some up on the way to school I just eventually stuck with it

I typically smoke either camel wides or camel filterless, sometimes I roll my own cigarettes, I use a Moore, burley, and hoping blend when rolling my own due to most cigarettes available in the store now being dog shit and just being paper mulch that was soaked in tobacco water without containing any actual tobacco

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