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File 158733450870.jpg - (46.53KB , 512x351 , 43221.jpg )
634 No. 634 [Edit]
My drug dealer told me that he had Corona..
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>> No. 635 [Edit]
File 158746582597.jpg - (1.99MB , 2480x3508 , __original_drawn_by_zknxart99__4091f988000f5f5d637.jpg )
Well atleast they had the foresight to tell you.

I hope you're not strung on something and without a supply now.
Clearnet's still open. Dunno about the darknet. Everything looks like a scam right now.
>> No. 636 [Edit]
I used to order Heroin from the Netherlands but now I'm too afraid since they control the border more. No idea if they control packages aswell.

The stuff here in Germany is way more expensive but at least I found a decent dealer. Nothings gonna stop me from a good sesh with my wafu
>> No. 672 [Edit]
Ordering from the clearnet?? No way. Must be some very mild drug?

Anyway, is the dn still worth it?
>> No. 674 [Edit]
I assume he is ordering research chemicals like some benzos are. Some clearnet shops sell those, but there is always this warning "ONLY USE FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES". I never bought from them though...yet.

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