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File 16245618865.jpg - (364.73KB , 850x784 , mush.jpg )
651 No. 651 [Edit]
To anybody who's taken psychedelics like magic mushrooms or LCD, have you noticed any positive effects on your emotional state or thinking ability?
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>> No. 652 [Edit]
I hear that new oled stuff is even more potent.

Kidding aside, microdosing lsd is pretty well researched as this point and established as a pretty good treatment for depression, at least far better than the drug cocktail the shrinks give you. And microdosing should prevent the potential of a bad trip.

There's also some interesting anecdotes from people have spent a lot of time meditating and then taken some amount of lsd/mushrooms for fun that the experience of altered consciousness is similar. This kind of makes sense given that ancient people probably used things like ayahusca as a intermediary gateway into deeper meditative states. So pairing the two might work wel
>> No. 654 [Edit]
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I feel like what's learned from the experience is what you take away more than any lingering effects of the actual drugs.
The drugs themselves do induce a positive feeling, if you aren't experiencing an existential horror.
LSD in low doses can make you grin like an idiot for hours when accompanied by an activity you enjoy like playing video games.
>> No. 655 [Edit]
Most of my experience with drugs is with LSD. I've found the trip itself it's like all your defense mechanisms are turned off, or at least on at some minimal level. All of the ways you conceive of things become blurry as if they were the same thing and you turn into a gullible child willing to explore concepts you'd normally think of as absolutely retarded in good faith. That effect can linger from a day or two to weeks depending on how much you take. Plus it's fun. Music sounds amazing and you get to see all sorts of pretty visual distortions.

I'd describe it as sometimes horrifying but overall positive. I dull myself to a lot of emotion and intellectualize a lot. Lucy hasn't cured me of that completely but it's a lot more manageable and I don't dissociate as much anymore.

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