No. 29895
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Even if all my problems were to disappear magically or something like that, it would be still the fact, that I've grown tired of life. So much so, that I don't feel like there is any point in continuing it for much longer. When I was younger, I was much more impulsive and therefor things like attempting suicide were much easier. I told everyone that I regret it, but deep down I wish I had died. Now I just dwell in the same situation for years, because I overthink everything, and can't move anywhere with my thoughts. It's such a laughable situation too; if I were to write some kind of suicide note, I wouldn't know what to write down, because this dread, that I've been feeling is not really based on rational things. Some months ago, I watched some lecture on Youtube from Standford or Yale or some similar university, about suicide and when it makes sense. The professor concluded suicide makes only sense when you know for sure, that it gets only worse. I'm sure my life is a downwards-spiral, but regardless of that I can't really reason why it is that way. It just is that way. This is not too say my bad feeling about my life is not grounded in reality, it is, very much so, but the feeling itself, is not very rational. Perhaps one has to differ here.