No. 18832
Filipino media. Because the people I live with are Filipino, I would expect them to sometimes watch Filipino television. I've lived with people that range from a variety of ethnicity, watching television that correspond with their ethnicity, and I survived just fine-- chinese television (at least the ones that I watched) were funny (dating shows) and if not, they were just serious news all the time. Hispanic television were just well done dramas (at least, from what I see, since I can't understand the languages), and in the morning, scantily clad women dancing to catchy music. Korean and Japanese? Well, I loved them to be honest.
Then I saw Filipino television. The first thing I realized was that the same commercials showed EVERY single time. Like, after every program, or more accurately, every 5 minutes, I would hear the same commercial loop for the entire month until they'd get new commercials. That is fucking annoying. The commercials are disgusting as well, if it's not people crying incredibly loudly, it's people shouting incredibly loudly. The programs, range from stolen American game show concepts or completely atrocious television dramas that feature the same range of actors for each of the shows. (Seriously the same male actor is the main character in two different shows that air right after one another). The plot of these shows are seriously the same. There is a happy go lucky main character whose life gets disturbed by a totally cliched and unrealistic antagonist. There is almost always a gay comedic character in EVERY Haruhidamn show. In EVERY Haruhidamn show, someone has to die by getting run over by a car or a gunfight. I've been watching different television dramas from this particular station (unwillingly, since my computer is right next to the TV), and over 4 years of this.. I could safely say that I am correct. What's worse is that the effects for the fantasy series are just laughable. Compared to Kamen Rider, where the enemies are just obviously people in body suits, the "fantasy" like characters here just have facepaint, tape, and wigs you can easily get in a party store. And they really try to pass it off as an adult dramatic show. It's unfathomable how this passes off as a show in one of the biggest television networks from the country.
Now, let's talk about the gameshows and talkshows. The gameshows, like I mentioned are stolen copies of America's gameshows. Not much to be said there, but their choice in music is rather strange. They almost always play music from an Anime or Videogames. I could hear Final Fantasy, Naruto, etc etc as the playlist. It makes me wonder, do they get the rights to play that shit or what? Sometimes, the buzz-in music is so strange that I can't possibly think they got the rights to it or not. An example is PBS's show Arthur-- the titular character's baby sister Kate has a distinct crying sound. They use that exact same sound in some of their shows. Is that even legal? They are even around 2 months late when it comes to music. Gangnam Style was just recently picked up and they are going INSANE over it. Every possible moment where they can insult or make fun of Koreans (and trust me, they do it in a very smug way that makes me assume they think they are superior in every way shape or form), they play the Haruhidamn Gangnam Style music and dance to it, almost mockingly. Same goes with Justin Bieber and almost every other "in" thing that Americans have.
Now, let's get to the talkshows.. The main annoyance. The talkshows are hosted by characters who think of themselves as incredibly perfect. They think of themselves as superior to every other race in existence, and they insult other races whenever they can, particularly the Japanese. Whenever they get the chance, they'll always make fun of the Japanese language, comparing their language to insults that sound similar to their language. Everytime they see anything about anime, they'll treat it like a kid's show and mention that their animation is WAAAAY better, claiming that since a Filipino had worked on the Simpson's movie, they own the entire franchise. This happened with the Bourne movie that was filmed in the country-- the news, for an entire week, had the movie as the main highlight-- as if they own the movie just because it's being filmed in the country-- as if they are the popular ones and that they deserve all the attention. This carries over in the news as well. You expect news to be.. well about, news. I can call the Bourne identity being filmed in the Philippines news, but does it really justify being mentioned for about a week or more? The newscasters are very annoying as well. It's like they WANT to be American and speak in a very annoying deep voice, even when it's not their natural voice. They do this while reporting rape and murder. There is something about that... using a fake voice, to report about atrocious acts-- that just doesn't ring well with me. Oh by the way, trust me on this. They will insert almost every self-praise they can think of in whatever is showing. "Everyone knows Filipinos are the most talented in the world!", "Filipinos are crucial to the world's society!" (All while in a mocking or insulting tone, as if they were the best). -- All of this is to be expected in the television of a specific culture or ethnicity, but... when was the last time I heard a channel say "WE ARE THE BEST, FUCK EVERY OTHER ETHNICITY" (That's exactly, what they're saying, anyway).
So from what I've witnessed BECAUSE of the media, I can only assume that Filipinos in general are narcissistic douchebags that rip off of other people (television shows and music), insult every other race (except whites) at any chance they can get, and think that their own media is just as good as any other. I think, because that their media is so weak, cliched television shows, poor ideas, no talent in actors.. they rip off of everything else and are in denial about how bad they are, while being completely obnoxious any chance they get.
Of course, I really don't think this is how Filipinos are. Or any ethnicity or culture. I don't think they are determined by the media, but they do a fine job of being a complete annoyance. And because they can still air this shit, people actually LIKE this, SUPPORT this, and more surprisingly, WATCH IT. This can lead me to assume that people... are actually like what I think they are.
I feel bad because I'm talking about an entire group of people here (well, more like an entire group of people's one specific television network), but holy hell is it getting to me. I thought Tim and Eric was a joke ass show. Hell, the entirety of Adult Swim felt like a joke to me, but that's the issue here. It was a good joke. Kind of like a good troll to me, it didn't take itself as seriously, and well, even though they fucked up sometimes, they continue to churn out tolerable shit. Adult Swim doesn't even have their own channel iirc, they are just sub-Cartoon Network, right? This particular Filipino network I"m talking about.. Well, it's the most popular out of all the other channels from what I'm seeing. It's a joke. A bad joke that takes itself way seriously, a joke that thinks it's actually funny but isn't, at all.
I could just be racist though, although I don't feel particularly biased against Filipinos. I'm just typing what I've experienced over the years, and only until now have I felt like writing this long, unnecessary rant.
TL;DR I'm very aware that self-justification is a global thing, but these guys make it completely obvious and are obnoxious about it.