No. 12460
No, guys like you prevent me from being really bad, like hating Koreans for being Korean (genetic). I cannot find anything that would warrant that kind of feeling, and I won't try to look for anything.
In fact, the least biased (pro or con) views of Korea seem to come from the people who have Korean blood but were born and raised outside Korea. They see the world perspective and when either looking at Koreans or visiting relatives in Korea, they see how childish and skewed they can be, and recognise that.
My one friend in college, Lux, has a room mate who is half-Korean. I call him Wileom. I make jokes to him like buying him kimchi noodle bowls from WalMart and calling him a race traitor for going to ramen restaurants and liking anime and Perfume. That's beside the point though.
He absolutely hates being Korean not because of the genetic or cultural parts, but from learning firsthand the mentality of born and raised Koreans. He absolutely could not stand his relatives when he visited Korea, and their extreme ass-headedness towards anything non-Korean, like the Miguk and jjokbari.
I mean, for christ's sake, they have an Internet campaign to spell Korea with a "C" in the English language so they can come before Japan in alphabetical order. The last time I saw that mentality in a person, he was making a glitter pen card for mothers' day and had to go to the nurse's office because he was wiggling his tooth and it fell out, because he wanted money to buy a yoyo from the school store the next day.
They go all over the Internet trying to make English-language websites look like so many people like K-pop, altering polls (in a similar fashion to /b/),
There are so many Korean-descended people who knew nothing about the kinds of things that these people do and think. I remember reading several blogs about "Korean American Life" written by halfers and Korean-descended teens and young people, saying "holy shit, the things my mother said about Japanese people after the disaster in March... I never knew she could be this awful! Are there that many Koreans who think this?
I don't hate Koreans. I just hate the "What Japan did to us seventy years ago is terrible! Even though the Russians, Chinese and Mongols did worse. Since Japan is so terrible you should drop Anime and read Manhwa and listen to SNDK nida!" Koreans. And you know who is to blame the most? The government. Latent anti-Japanese sentiment is actually not a part of Korean culture.
The government in South Korea is so restrictive and ignorant, the only difference I see with North and South Korea is that South Korea has more lights and food. Children are taught from a young age to hate their neighbours, especially Japan. For instance, "Dokdo artwork" crayon drawings from children were hanged in a train station, and the shit they drew... It's as bad as the Dear Leader hailing to the north. This sentiment is actually relatively recent in Korea, and even during the annexation period, aside from some fringe groups, the view of most Koreans of Japan was more like the views of Hawaiians to the US, until around 1940. "Yeah, it sucks that we we were colonised, and we want to be free, but let's face the facts. We were a shitty backwater the past 300 years, and it would be worse if Russia annexed us."
Also. The government has little pride in Korea's merits and more pride in how to make Korea look cool abroad. They claim other cultures' practices were Korean made (samurai, tea ceremonies, katanas, most asian martial arts, fireworks, Chinese hanzi, manga, even airplanes and pizza, Phonetians and the Aztecs) and important Asian people are of Korean decent. They are called "uriginals" (uri [our] originals) And it works for a few people, even abroad.
For instance. A comic artist from Denmark that makes a web comic about anthro countries made her Japan a nerdy stereotypical Asian with squinty eyes and a bowl cut while South Korea is some sort of cool dude manga character with European-esque eyes.
Koreaboos are just trying to distance themselves from annoying cosplayers who don't bathe, when they could just ignore them and like what they fucking want to like.
I find it hilarious how some people discover "hey, when I was a narutard I really was retarded! So to distance myself from that awful time in my life I will be a K-pop hipster and talk about how bad Japan is! I totally am not a Weeaboo now guise!" not knowing it is the same shit, different fandom, being a Koreaboo.
It's especially funny when Koreaboos talk about racism.
"When I was in Tokyo, all of them were such racists, some stared at me! When I asked a guy for directions in English he ignored me! One kid asked if I was from Africa or America! Another held up a pen to me and told me "this is pen!" Do these kids think black people are all stupid! I'm really light for a black man! Then some cop came and told me to stop smoking in the street. Another yelled at me for talking on the phone on the subway, and all the other Japs were recording me with their cell phones! Japs are racist whale munchers!"
Versus, same people,
"I went to a shopping centre in Seoul today, listening to some SNDK(smokin hot Korean babes) on my Samsung Galaxy on the train. Koreans stare at people a lot, but that's the culture! Anyways, walking past the little kids playground in the middle of the place the mothers panicked and were all hiding their children and saying things like "dearde maenkee gyeo heom!" under their breath. Korean moms are so protective! When I bought a jar of kimchi at one of the stores, the man sent a new hire to follow me around, saying "NO DACH IF NOT BAE!" They must be really helpful here! I was frisked afterwards, in traditional Korean custom. Then I went out to a restaurant that was selling dog meat. It's just the culture, don't be so ignorant! I heard that another mall went into a full panic and lockdown because a Nigerian woman tried to buy some fabric. They just don't see many black people in Korea, it can't be helped!"
This is exactly the same as the Weeaboos who go to Japan and get lambasted for saying they are Otaku to normals, and in some masochistic flurry they talk about how nice the Japanese are to them, but when they are mean, "it's just the culture!"
Things that annoy me, then:
Korean protesters
Both Korean governments
People who think in liking something, you automatically are part of the annoying fanbase and are just like them.
Myself, for not eloquating myself enough and therefore looking like I hate all Koreans, and losing the potential to have a good conversation and not look like an ass.;_;