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File 131708817182.jpg - (1.07MB , 1200x849 , 956e011d8b6facd251b87dd5b463eb3a.jpg )
2412 No. 2412 [Edit]
Now we must ponder the age old question: flat chest or big breasts?
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>> No. 2413 [Edit]
Flat chest.
>> No. 2414 [Edit]
Replies: >>2416
I like flat, or at least small. Midsized can be nice, but any larger than that and I totally lose interest
>> No. 2415 [Edit]
>> No. 2416 [Edit]
Pretty much this.
>> No. 2417 [Edit]
If it's extremes we're talking about as in really really large breasts or grand canyon, I pick grand canyon. Otherwise I'm cool with most sizes, though I think I might prefer B.
>> No. 2418 [Edit]
File 131709277128.jpg - (800.47KB , 1000x1324 , 5c3740f0b66f1a1a70c5b4b53baf39a8.jpg )
I love all sizes.
>> No. 2419 [Edit]
File 131717559620.png - (120.38KB , 472x348 , asuka A-B.png )
A, A/B

...absolute flat (tabula rasa) would be boring as fuck and maybe too much like a boy; but likely large breasts look old/fat/derpy/slutty and belong too much into mainstream vulgar tastes (like, coversely, the macho/yankee stereotype on men).
>> No. 2421 [Edit]
Replies: >>2426
Someone post that picture of Kyon talking about how a true breast lover loves all sizes, especially the breasts that belong to the one you truly love.
>> No. 2426 [Edit]
File 13173593174.jpg - (64.99KB , 728x545 , true breast lover.jpg )
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
Replies: >>2428 >>2429 >>2449
File 131745955021.png - (691.33KB , 800x600 , 1317458573370.png )
Left or right?
>> No. 2428 [Edit]
Right, although the size of left's boobs aren't quite at the level where I would hate them.
>> No. 2429 [Edit]
Right. I have the odd feeling that left's wouldn't look that great when exposed.
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
Right. I value cuteness over "sexyness".
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