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File 146956813351.gif - (883.24KB , 700x249 , fermenting.gif )
4333 No. 4333 [Edit]
Anyone know any sources of good waifu erotic literature?
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>> No. 4334 [Edit]
I doubt you'll find translations of Japanese fanfics (or of fanfics in general) anywhere, so they'd probably have to be English-language originals. As much as it irks me to suggest it, fanfiction.net is probably your best bet.
ASSTR.org does not have such stories, and that's all sites for literotica that I know.
Good luck in your search.
>> No. 4360 [Edit]
File 147393828382.png - (1.03MB , 280x320 , 20160999.png )
Written Erotic Literature can be good too.
>> No. 4445 [Edit]
Just give the written word a chance...
>> No. 4482 [Edit]
Text isn't lewd enough
>> No. 4483 [Edit]
I like "The Story of the Eye" by Georges Bataille.
The content is extreme, but the relationship between the boy and the girl is a dreamlike, carefree love/lust, in utter disregard for all the rest of the world and morality.
>> No. 4509 [Edit]
File 150478405936.png - (1.31MB , 850x850 , 20160988.png )
You take that back!
>> No. 4548 [Edit]
File 151160571883.jpg - (171.08KB , 836x1200 , 20171124.jpg )
Words can be lewder because it's powered by imagination...
>> No. 4590 [Edit]
File 152051115763.jpg - (40.65KB , 452x542 , 20180308.jpg )
True dat
>> No. 4591 [Edit]
Story of the Eye would heavily trigger 95% of /tc/.
>> No. 4592 [Edit]
File 152082645619.png - (165.80KB , 1080x899 , papi thumb.png )
If you are interested in monstergirls, then you can try out touchfluffy tail.
>> No. 4643 [Edit]
File 154634454821.jpg - (903.32KB , 850x1202 , still.jpg )
Books are my solace.
>> No. 4687 [Edit]
File 155342120892.png - (864.27KB , 550x600 , 20190999.png )
Text is plenty lewd. *HAWT*

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