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File 166460383372.png - (460.33KB , 1200x800 , 1663338016575834.png )
1510 No. 1510 [Edit]
So how many hidden boards are there on TC? Maybe this is a game we can play, see how many hidden boards we can uncover. Here are the ones I know of (and these boards aren't exactly alive nor I think intended to be secretive, rather merely forgotten remnants, so I hope no one would mind if I compiled the list).

Anyone know of any not in this list? Board names are usually 2-3 letters, so you could possibly brute force the entire space.


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>> No. 1511 [Edit]
Sounds fun, can I play too?
>> No. 1512 [Edit]
File 166460680995.png - (235.65KB , 652x498 , 1663182097466780.png )
But that would ruin the fun! (since I assume mods can view all boards). Maybe if no one gets them all within a few months you can start giving out hints.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
I like this idea. I tried putting random, typical board name ideas into the address but didn't uncover anything, other than a whole lot of 404s...
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
This does not work. And /kf/ is listed in the main index.
Also /mop/ and /mei/ and /spc/
>> No. 1517 [Edit]
Also /r/ and /rules/ and /idol/ and /ban/

Post edited on 3rd Oct 2022, 11:17am
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
>/日本/ (unspoilered since it doesn't work anyway)
Hm I'm pretty sure it used to work a short while back (2 or so years ago). I guess the board got deleted since then?

Nice finds on the other ones.
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
>the board got deleted since then?
Yes. On the news tab tohno says
>/日本/ has been removed, It's content shouldn't need more than a single thread on /ot/
You can't read the board name anymore, due to the glitch involving japanese fonts a while back.
This was on 24th Dec 2017 by the way.
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
How do we know if we found them all? Can we get a total number of boards to know how many still remain?
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
I can't believe nobody's mentioned /a/ yet!
Over the years, I've also found

It seems this thread still has a long way to go. But I think we've at least covered all the boards mentioned in >>/fb/3108 except for a seiyuu board if it exists.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
There used to be a board called /luv/ it seems.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
Wow that last one is also case-sensitive. Extra special!
>> No. 1534 [Edit]
File 16676029564.jpg - (144.12KB , 850x602 , __misty_jessie_and_duplica_pokemon_and_2_more_draw.jpg )
I went looking a while ago, but the only one I've found not yet mentioned is /90s/
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
Very nice! I'm surprised that Tohno keeps these boards still running. (pun intended)
>> No. 1536 [Edit]
Doesn't really hurt.

Oh, and there's still more btw~
>> No. 1621 [Edit]
The mystery of disappearing /日本/ has been solved. For some reason, an additional character was appended to the directory name, which went unnoticed until today.

Post edited on 25th Oct 2023, 2:20am
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
>> No. 1653 [Edit]
File 170682239763.jpg - (787.24KB , 1800x2450 , F_739DVbwAAtPKQ.jpg )
Found another!!
And it's /jp/!!
There are zero posts currently.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
Interestingly, /lol/ appears to be one of the few (only?) boards that _doesn't_ have a catalog page. Even going to /catalog.html doesn't work.
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
Even more interestingly, it seems /lol/ only goes back to 2021. Was it always this way, I could have sworn that it used to go back much further, like all the other boards.
>> No. 1702 [Edit]
You're right. They're gone, and I don't see them on /arc/.
/lol/ didn't have a catalog back then either.
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
I wonder if admins could look into why they disappeared? It's not a huge loss though, and most of the text content is available via internet archive, but seems IA never captured the images.
>> No. 1704 [Edit]
I believe old threads were pruned automatically, when /lol/ was targeted by raiders making new threads.
It appears that /lol/ doesn't have archiving enabled for reasons unknown to me.
>> No. 1714 [Edit]
>> No. 1718 [Edit]
We need a board for bread people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYdcJAFxeFE
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
I declare this as the official yuyushiki thread!
Those clips highlight everything I love about yuyushiki. The background OST. That they're so close that they know what each other is thinking. That even others in their class realize how lively their friendship is. How beautiful Yuzuko's laughter is. Aaaah I just want to be reborn in the yuyuniverse.
>> No. 1721 [Edit]
>> No. 1723 [Edit]
I just found >>>/ls/ by mistyping /s/.
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
I always think of the board as "/so/ - sonder" instead of "/so/ - ronery". I think it fits nicer.
>> No. 1748 [Edit]
File 172559856262.png - (17.12KB , 404x381 , 1725598036284921.png )
I just wanted to share this image since this is the official yuyushiki thread.
>> No. 1750 [Edit]
Yuzu has SHIT taste.
>> No. 1751 [Edit]
Yuzu contributing patches to llvm!
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
Can anyone embed youtube videos? Where's the /meta/ board
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
I think yt video embedding has been broken for a long time. Not a mod but I don't like video embedding, a plain link is far better in terms of playing nicely with text-based browsers (or older ones), or people who use alternate ways to access yt. Meta board is at /fb/ (feedback) as it has always been.

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