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File 170569229759.jpg - (283.01KB , 1280x720 , onikin_0241.jpg )
1648 No. 1648 [Edit]
How to get an imouto who protects me from reality?
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>> No. 1651 [Edit]
It's the same method as getting into Gensokyo.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
File 170667088618.png - (299.26KB , 608x1200 , __original_drawn_by_kayabakoro__19b7394649b100849f.png )
On behalf of the National Committee for Imouto Affairs I'd like to point out that according to Article No 07 Section 08 "it is hereby prohibited to enjoin an imouto to take a protector role, such roles are to be the exclusive domain of the nee-san. Moreover the imouto must be protected by Anon at all times. Any anon suspected of failing to protect his imouto will undergo an investigation by the executive branch of the National Committee for Imouto Affairs. Any anon suspected of relegating the protector role to his imouto or of attempting to gainsay the ultimate truth of nee-sans powers will undergo investigation by the National Committee for Nee-san Affairs."

Post edited on 30th Jan 2024, 7:15pm

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