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File 172038540179.png - (297.78KB , 1679x848 , tohno-theme.png )
1728 No. 1728 [Edit]
I like pseud0ch the best. It makes T-C even more comfy for me personally.
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>> No. 1729 [Edit]
yotsuba v2, the cool blue gradients just feel comfortable: not too overly garish so as to distract from usability, but still reminiscent of a time when webpages were fun instead of the drab flat anodyne light-grey thigns they are today.
>> No. 1730 [Edit]
You know, that was the default here for a long time. It was changed because people kept asking for Dark instead.
>> No. 1731 [Edit]
I use Futaba.
>> No. 1739 [Edit]
I use vndb. It's nice looking and easy on the eyes.
>> No. 1740 [Edit]
File 172347404014.jpg - (75.05KB , 600x600 , paisley_bg.jpg )
I use paisley. I find the overall contrast it offers to be most pleasing, aswell as offering nice ornamentation that fills space without interfering.

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