Touhou 1: Reimu goes on a genocidal rampage. Touhou 2: Reimu seeks revenge for Mima's revenge for Reimu's previous rampage. Touhou 3: Reimu interferes with academia and scientific progress. Touhou 4: Reimu kills a youkai who tried to help her. Touhou 5: Reimu orphans Alice and destroys an entire world for its creator's belief in free enterprise. Touhou 6: Reimu places a little girl under house arrest. Touhou 7: Reimu prevents an innocent girl from being revived. Touhou 7.5: Reimu breaks up parties. Touhou 8: Reimu strips away Gensokyo's defenses against a Lunar invasion. Touhou 9: Reimu attacks people for no good reason. Touhou 10: Reimu oppresses other religions. Touhou 10.5: Reimu endorses slave labor. Touhou 11: Reimu cuts back funding for alternative energy sources. Touhou 12: Reimu persecutes Youkai Jesus. Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1657 Oh god, I forgot this existed.
>>1664 Its surprisingly well made. I mean, the animation blends in very well with the gameplay, and the music is decently remixed. I always enjoy Gachimuchi when effort is placed into it.
>>1666 I agree. I found the second stage/part to be even better, personally.
Heyah /foe/. I swear I saw Koishi on youtube doing the overdrive jig. Can anyone back me up here? Or was I hallucinating?
it's giyg
I think Koishi's super cute.
Koishi is my favorite.
Time for Koisheep.Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 7:37pm
Im thinking the tohuou cast is getting so ridiculously huge that new characters lack appeal, and ZUN should give old characters reappearances instead. However this risks contradicting fanon or displeasing pople who have established ideas of certain characters in their head. What do you think? Also I noticed these trends in the games: - Music is becoming more like BGM than melodic songs. I don't actually like this. - Character designs becoming more and more cluttered, especially with more handheld items and dangly things - Gameplay relying more on novel gimmicks to keep things fresh
>>1609 I liked this one from th13, from the credits I believe:
>>1599 Of course not. Like I said, on my part it's not something fuelled by discontent. It just ended up like that. I'll definitely pick it up again at some point.
>>1611 >Desire Drive Good taste, it's one of my favorites from TH13.
>>1609 Agreed. I also thought DDC's soundtrack was pretty damn good, personally.
Yukkuri shiteitte ne~
I'm not the same person who used to do this on /jp/, but this thread will be a sort of Touhou tournament. The way it will work is that I will post a Stage, Difficulty, and Character and we will each get one chance to see who can get the highest score and post the score here. I'll wait about a day so that everyone can get a chance to submit their scores and the person with the highest score at the end will win. I will post each day with a new Stage, Difficulty, and Character. For the first round, we will play Perfect Chery Blossom, Stage 4, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu B.
Graze - 1289 - 644500
How the heck I missed this thread? Gonna get something when I can/if it's still possible.
>>1433 >How the heck I missed this thread? That would be from not using the pages feature
>>1515 Oh man, now I see it. I saw that in the first page and didn't even notice the thread is actually from 2010. What a shame. Might try to revive this some day.
Sanae thread?!
In this song Border of Extacy I can't tell when Yukari is singing and when Yuyuko is, and whose voice belongs to who. Can someone tell me I can't really tell. I think Yukari's voice is the one thats more catty while Yuyuko's one is more womanly, but I'm not really sure who is singing during the bits where the sin sacks pump their fists into the air.
>>614 >>613
>>615 but its the exact same voice
>>617 Because it's the same singer. She just tries to change how she sings the words depending on the character.
It's IOSYS, so you could expect the vocalist to be miko.
In this thread we talk about watermelons.
I love images like this
萃! Almost forgot to post today. I always notice more pictures of her with certain fruits this time of year. I was going to buy a book of sketches from this artist, but my service messed up on the auction. Too bad, he draws her very well, even though he does some lewd things.
>>598 Forgot my image not sure if I can edit images into posts
Can anyone explain the joke to me? I've thought about it but just can't figure out the clever punchline that is supposedly there. The last picture in this comic is titled "Gensokyo is full of ladies", and everyone on 4chan was cracking up at it. The comic is drawn by Dan Kim if that helps, or if anybody was wondering.
>anonymous Stopped reading there.
Chen is a cat, Mystia is a sparrow and supposedly hates Chen so she's planned all that stuff, hence the 'Just as planned' picture thing at the end
>>580 But the part I'm wondering about is "Gensokyo is full of ladies". Why is that so funny?
I remenber this question showing up on /jp/ many times and never really coming to a actual answer so I'll try to ask it here: why do you think Touhou is so popular? Is it the music, the genre, the characters? There are so many other danmaku that feature look-a-like mechanics and characters, soundtrack, and yet Touhou is amazingly more popular than the rest of those. So, what is your opinion on the subject?
All 3. Also I think Touhou is so popular because it was the first to do something like this with its setting and music style. Previously STGs almost always involved a space ship in space, shooting aliens from space.
ZUN combined great music, bullet patterns and little girls in frilly dresses. I don't know if he was the first to do it, but he's the one known for it, and that's what counts.
Happened to be made in such a way as to encourage doujin
All the other games lacked hats.
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