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File 169138661745.gif - (1.59MB , 600x600 , select_your_fumo.gif )
2486 No. 2486 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You know what to do.
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2505 [Edit]
File 17097819798.png - (97.64KB , 573x570 , Patchoulisama.png )
>> No. 2523 [Edit]
File 172065883243.png - (64.23KB , 421x375 , she cute.png )
got her on first try, i seem to be lucky
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
File 172796908641.png - (80.98KB , 600x600 , fumo car.png )
We're brothers in cars
>> No. 2534 [Edit]
File 172797128987.png - (78.56KB , 460x390 , whatever.png )

File 147338052356.jpg - (52.26KB , 640x640 , pr144574-2-2045334-640x640-b-p-ffffff.jpg )
2091 No. 2091 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tomorrow is an a special day!
16 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2529 [Edit]
File 172591645582.jpg - (572.71KB , 1200x1697 , 122284388_p0.jpg )
It's the day!
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
File 172591651737.jpg - (2.66MB , 1761x2406 , 122293312_p0.jpg )
>> No. 2531 [Edit]
File 172593097781.jpg - (127.72KB , 933x1199 , F8osChbacAA-ZA1.jpg )
Cirno's an international icon!
>> No. 2532 [Edit]
File 172593201935.jpg - (277.08KB , 1080x1400 , 5fc2116546be10655fa3be108c037856.jpg )

File 169144821193.jpg - (173.19KB , 1200x900 , F28CS3VbwAAadXU.jpg )
2487 No. 2487 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Think less post more
>> No. 2489 [Edit]
File 169147707065.jpg - (569.14KB , 2048x1536 , F2q5gNnbgAAHCAP.jpg )

Is this the real gateway to gensokyo?
>> No. 2497 [Edit]

idk but it looks a little neglected

Post edited on 11th Oct 2023, 4:33pm
>> No. 2502 [Edit]
That's what you get when you rely on Hakurei Shrine funds.
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
File 172253575834.png - (0.98MB , 1200x900 , go brohnos go.png )

File 167434648825.jpg - (68.49KB , 594x619 , pantsu fortune.jpg )
2462 No. 2462 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Start and stop the .gif to get your fortune.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2468 [Edit]
At least it matches her ribbon.
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
File 167442051946.png - (211.23KB , 514x512 , reimu_pantsu.png )
It's easier for Reimu to hide her pee stains with black pantsu than with yellow pantsu. What a very embarassing shrine maiden she is...
>> No. 2525 [Edit]
File 172089837023.png - (233.35KB , 555x539 , whatever.png )
Let's learn!
>> No. 2526 [Edit]
File 172089841120.gif - (5.37MB , 720x720 , zenji029 - 1585464513025146881.gif )
here the gif in case the link doesn't work anymore

File 153320580856.jpg - (122.09KB , 800x649 , Zun_Designs.jpg )
2225 No. 2225 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lets design a touhou!!!
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2244 [Edit]
It aged like a fine wine!
>> No. 2245 [Edit]
I never see anybody actually do it though.
>> No. 2265 [Edit]
File 15620084637.jpg - (1.04MB , 2592x1936 , IMG_0609.jpg )
I tried my best...
>> No. 2524 [Edit]
File 172066003242.png - (101.16KB , 800x750 , anons 2hu grill.png )
here is my 2hu grill

File 151210227541.png - (1.78MB , 1766x2500 , 1510548567564.png )
2175 No. 2175 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Junko thread?
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2260 [Edit]
File 15604477655.jpg - (130.32KB , 450x600 , Junko.jpg )
>> No. 2508 [Edit]
File 171027526742.jpg - (44.74KB , 776x914 , zzz.jpg )
>> No. 2510 [Edit]
File 171030538149.png - (430.15KB , 610x952 , 1687365005089521.png )
>> No. 2522 [Edit]
File 171554652335.jpg - (553.53KB , 1915x2824 , Junko.jpg )

File 135123496268.png - (48.98KB , 419x248 , alice hmph.png )
1070 No. 1070 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I would like more pictures like this. I lost my folder so I only have four. I will dump what I have.
This can be a reaction thread as well.
52 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2431 [Edit]
Here are some folders I found, none being mine.
>> No. 2432 [Edit]
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
File 170691952242.jpg - (80.17KB , 800x731 , betsuniyou.jpg )
>> No. 2507 [Edit]
File 171027507822.png - (36.84KB , 342x300 , 1.png )

File 169776477481.jpg - (4.71KB , 251x176 , 1300255211539s.jpg )
2498 No. 2498 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 2499 [Edit]
Is this what autism looks like?
>> No. 2500 [Edit]
This is what looking at autism looks like.

File 169155943374.jpg - (291.61KB , 716x1012 , movies.jpg )
2490 No. 2490 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Time for gensokyo to go to the movies!
Post em if you've got em.
>> No. 2491 [Edit]
Spin spin sugar.
>> No. 2492 [Edit]
>> No. 2493 [Edit]

File 14597705968.png - (343.46KB , 700x900 , af1d39b52355bf8efb64a2edc7fc2334.png )
2033 No. 2033 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you have any 'unpopular' opinions that most other Touhou players seem to disagree with you on?

For example:
- I enjoyed Touhou 14 and 15 more than 12 and 13.
- I think Perfect Cherry Blossom is the easiest of the Windows Touhou games.
- I prefer Plastic Mind over Alice's other boss themes.
23 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2255 [Edit]
all touhou games are good
>> No. 2256 [Edit]
That depends what you consider a “touhou game” I guess
>> No. 2367 [Edit]
I liked 13.
>> No. 2484 [Edit]
Touhou is an SCP-tier horror series masquerading as a bubbly slice-of-life world.

File 167219933758.jpg - (1.99MB , 4096x3724 , map.jpg )
2460 No. 2460 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What makes Gensokyo so appealing that people would hope to go there if they kill themselves?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2464 [Edit]
File 167441547259.jpg - (261.56KB , 1024x1003 , approximate map.jpg )
Not him, but I personally feel that pic rel, while not the prettiest nor too detailed, is the most accurate map
>> No. 2465 [Edit]
File 167441562542.jpg - (657.38KB , 1968x1518 , Gensokyo.jpg )
I've also seen some prettier ones
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
File 167441600252.jpg - (428.46KB , 2000x2000 , map.jpg )
This one even shows exactly where the games take place, though it ends at PoFV. I think it's a translation, you can still see the chinese text
>> No. 2483 [Edit]
Ignorance. Gensokyo is an extremely shitty place to live for humans, and 99% of fans who want to go there couldn't handle it.

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