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File 129038906793.png - (776.87KB , 850x1190 , yukari.png )
1366 No. 1366 [Edit]
I'm not the same person who used to do this on /jp/, but this thread will be a sort of Touhou tournament.

The way it will work is that I will post a Stage, Difficulty, and Character and we will each get one chance to see who can get the highest score and post the score here.

I'll wait about a day so that everyone can get a chance to submit their scores and the person with the highest score at the end will win. I will post each day with a new Stage, Difficulty, and Character.

For the first round, we will play Perfect Chery Blossom, Stage 4, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu B.
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>> No. 1367 [Edit]
File 12903933596.png - (333.16KB , 640x480 , stage 4 cleared.png )
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
Also, just so everyone is clear, play the stages I post on Practice mode.
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
Primriver sisters are WHORES
>> No. 1370 [Edit]
I've changed my mind about how long to wait to post the new Stage, Difficulty, and Character to play. You now have a couple days to post your scores.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
Sorry, I misspelled Cherry.
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
Score - 82254240

Clear - 4000000
Point - 14450000
Graze - 235000
Cherry - 3011700

Total - 21696700
>> No. 1373 [Edit]
File 129050686219.png - (333.23KB , 640x480 , stage4.png )
Practice mode this time.
>> No. 1374 [Edit]
Can characters not be restricted?
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
The reason I put a specific character is because you are scored differently depending on which character you use. This makes it so that everyone plays on a even level.
>> No. 1376 [Edit]
This person has won the first round.

For the second round we will be playing EoSD, Stage 3, Difficulty: Normal, Marisa A.
>> No. 1378 [Edit]
Score - 14424710
Stage - 3000
Power - 12800
Graze - 1280
Point Item - 92
Total - 1571360
>> No. 1379 [Edit]
File 129064421637.png - (261.07KB , 640x480 , stage 3.png )
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
This person has won the second round.
This will be my last time doing this unless more people participate.

Imperishable Night, Stage 4, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu and Yukari.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
File 129091623925.png - (342.37KB , 640x480 , touhouIN.png )
And my stupid japanese thing started working for no reason...

anyways, horrible fail, didn't specify if it was 4a or 4b so i did 4b since Reimu vs Reimu would rip a tear in the fabric of reality (and i find marisa easier)
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
Just to clarify, it's Stage 4B.
>> No. 1384 [Edit]
File 129253038475.png - (342.94KB , 640x480 , 543443.png )
>> No. 1385 [Edit]
This person has won the third round.

For the next round we will be playing EoSD, Stage 2, Difficulty: Hard, Reimu B.
>> No. 1386 [Edit]
I've decided to change the difficulty to Normal.
>> No. 1387 [Edit]
Score - 9413960
Total - 1361380
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
This person has won the fourth round.
The next round we will be playing Subterranean Animism, Stage 3, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu A, Unfocused. This means you can not use the focus button at all during the stage.
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
To get more people to participate I've decided to change it to IN, Stage 3, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu and Yukari, Unfocused.
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
Score - 103777790
Total - 38328500
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
This person has won the fifth round.
For the next round we will be playing IN, Stage 5, Difficulty: Normal, Reimu and Yukari. For this round the player with the most graze points wins.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
Graze - 1289 - 644500
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
How the heck I missed this thread? Gonna get something when I can/if it's still possible.
>> No. 1515 [Edit]
>How the heck I missed this thread?
That would be from not using the pages feature
>> No. 1516 [Edit]
Oh man, now I see it. I saw that in the first page and didn't even notice the thread is actually from 2010.
What a shame. Might try to revive this some day.

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