What is the best way to improve your bombing reflex in Touhou? I can do decent with most of the patterns I just suck at bombing, if I could bomb better I'd probably be able to clear normal mode. Do you just practice it continually? One idea I had, would be to start playing, but don't look at the screen and practice deathbombing one you hear the sound to get you more accustomed to it, or run into it intentionally when you practice and try and deathbomb then. Is this way a waste of time or do I just need to practice playing them normally more?
I abuse the shit out of bombs now. If I think I've put myself in a poor position I just press the bomb without tempting fate. I find that if I wait for the last moment I usually get his by something my eyes weren't even tracking in the first place.
>>10 I just use the default configuration for controls but I'll try this.
Eww, playing Touhou with the keyboard?
>>145 You're the first person who mentioned keyboards, who were you referring to?
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