In this thread we talk about watermelons.
>>576 It's about time! This thread has been needed for months.
The best thing about watermelons is that she is sweet and delicious.
You know, we should just seize the opportunity and turn this into a Suika thread instead.
spoiler because lewd
>>589 There's a difference now? >>590 whoops!
>>590 forgot to spoiler
>>590 I love this picture.
NSFW: Guro
I love images like this
萃! Almost forgot to post today. I always notice more pictures of her with certain fruits this time of year. I was going to buy a book of sketches from this artist, but my service messed up on the auction. Too bad, he draws her very well, even though he does some lewd things.
>>598 Forgot my image not sure if I can edit images into posts
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