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5129 No. 5129 [Edit]

Why do you have all the otaku media separated?

Just combine them into one board. It's not like they each get enough posts or traffic to warrant their own boards.
>> No. 5130 [Edit]
I heard combining /foe/, /vg/ and /vn/ was a bad idea, so this is probably an even worse idea.

What would you gain from merging them? It just makes everything more confusing.

Post edited on 15th Sep 2014, 3:34am
>> No. 5131 [Edit]
I was against this idea for years but now that every board not named /ot/, /so/ or /an/ turned into a barren wasteland I'd be okay with it. Nothing to lose either way.
>> No. 5132 [Edit]
You lose the simple overview and properly organized and sorted content und order to gain... nothing.
>> No. 5134 [Edit]

It's simple when there's enough content to warrant such sorting. When there isn't enough content it just becomes cumbersome and hard to navigate.

As it is you have a couple of musea. Instead you could have something that's easier to naviagate and - since posting on completely dead board is disencouraging - maybe a bit more activity.
>> No. 5135 [Edit]
>cumbersome and hard to navigate
This is what I call combing everything into one board.
>> No. 5136 [Edit]
No, it does not become harder to navigate when there's only fewer posts. The way you navigate it stays the same, no matter how many active posters you have.

You won't get more posts out of merging them either. If nobody wanted to post about figures, why would they suddenly change their mind after the figure board is gone?
>> No. 5137 [Edit]

>The way you navigate it stays the same, no matter how many active posters you have.

No, this is clearly false. I have to open every board separately to check if there are any new posts. If there was only one board there'd be no problem.

>why would they suddenly change their mind after the figure board is gone?

I like how I explained that in my two paragraphs long post and yet you managed to successfully ignore it.
Frankly just deleting a board and recreating it again is usually more than enough to boost the traffic for a week or two. In fact that's the biggest reason why the traffic increased after we moved from ib4f.

But let's say I'm wrong and it wouldn't affect the traffic in the slightest.
Why would it matter anyway? You yourself said that the boards don't get any traffic to begin with and merging the boards wouldn't change it. I'm fine with that, at least things would be more condensed and easier to navigate.
>> No. 5138 [Edit]
>I have to open every board separately to check if there are any new posts.
As if managing half a dozen tabs were such an ordeal.
And actually, you quite don't need to do that for most boards

I'll just concede that it is a subpar solution. Maybe a view mode that displays pictures or an aggregated catalog would make things better.
>If there was only one board there'd be no problem.
There'd be the huge problem of sorting relevant threads apropriatedly, which is what separate boards do.
>> No. 5139 [Edit]
>boost the traffic for a week or two.
Then what?
>> No. 5140 [Edit]
Then we split the boards again to gain extra traffic again and get a ton of broken references because of how kusaba handles moving threads around.
>> No. 5141 [Edit]

>And actually, you quite don't need to do that for most boards

A completely useless feature on /tc/ where a third of posts gets hinded with kakusu.


Then nothing most likely. In best case scenario having one active board will encourage more traffic period, as I said a number of times by now. This conversation would progress much faster if you'd read what you're replying to.

Having less boards is an advantage to begin with. You only create further boards when some topic gains enough interest to warrant a separate board. Since I felt that is the case on /tc/ and that sorting things is without a doubt a good idea my response to '/tc/ has too many boards' threads was a polite 'fuck off'. Now that there isn't any traffic however keeping all the boards is pointless.
>> No. 5142 [Edit]
>completely useless
It would be "completely" useless if all posts were hidden. with two thirds of posts being seen it still has some use.
>> No. 5143 [Edit]
>my response to '/tc/ has too many boards' threads was a polite 'fuck off'
More like a dozen polite 'it didn't work in the past and won't work now'.
>> No. 5144 [Edit]

Well, it's not literally useless but it's functionality is highly debatable. Needless to say I'm not using it and I would recommend against doing so but to each his own. Inability to filter certain boards (/so/) doesn't improve it, either.


No, I know exactly what I said, it was a polite 'fuck off'.
In the past sorting things made perfect sense. If I wanted to talk about games I went to /vg/. If I wanted to talk about anime I went to /an/. Logical. Merging boards would just result in one gigantic mess where everything would be all over the place and it'd be impossible to find anything.
But that was in the past. When we still had some traffic. Solutions have to be tailor made according to needs. There's no perfect solution that would solve every problem. Back in the day sorting things ensured proper order. Now it's nothing short of a nuisance.
>> No. 5145 [Edit]
Have you ever looked at the frontpage? Bam, "recent posts" right there.
>> No. 5146 [Edit]

Good job reading the thread.
>> No. 5147 [Edit]
would you be more inclined to use the front page and less interested in this board merger idea if kataksu were removed and the ability to filter results was added?

Post edited on 18th Sep 2014, 3:12pm
>> No. 5148 [Edit]

That's a very good question. Sounds tempting although I've been browsing /tc/ 'manually' for a couple of years by now so I don't know if I could simply switch to using the frontpage. ... ~50-50?
>> No. 5149 [Edit]
kakusu is a very important feature for me. I do not want it removed.
>> No. 5151 [Edit]
I agree.

Big problem is that I think if you 'merge' the boards, tohno has to recreate all the threads by manually copy and pasting them.

On a somewhat related note, I think we should make new boards catering to very niche fields of otaku culture. Our board /mai/ is probably the main strength we have here and it would be good to replicate that success. If we succeed in attracting a strong enough seed userbase and become the main center of discussion on the internet for that particular topic (as we are for waifus) then growth might occur easily through word of mouth.

Maybe I suggest:
- 3D custom girl board
- Vocaloid music making board
- Onehole discussion and reviews board
- Vocaloid music creating board
>> No. 5152 [Edit]

Again, new boards should be made when some content on one of the boards takes up a significant portion of that board. Creating new boards based on 'it'd be cool if we had a board for that, wouldn't it' doesn't work. There has to be some interest in said topics first, doing it the other way around is almost guaranteed to fail.
We're probably the only imageboard on the net with a board dedicated to lighthouses but I don't think it helps much.
>> No. 5154 [Edit]
>Just combine them into one board

Not happening. Ever. Stop asking.
We like shelves. This isn't /bun/.
>> No. 5157 [Edit]

Shelves are great. As long as they're needed. Shelves which exist for the sole purpose of gathering dust and spider webs are a sad sight.
>> No. 5158 [Edit]
so dust them off why don't you.
>> No. 5159 [Edit]
We already tried combining /foe/, /vg/ and /vn/. It didn't boost posting rates only pissed people off. You know what does boost post rates? posting. It's easy to complain about the slow post rates but what are you doing to help? It's been said time and time again that this place would have a great flow of posts/content if everyone who visited the site posted just twice a day or even once. If you aren't willing to do at least that then you shouldn't complain.
>> No. 5162 [Edit]
Well I guess we just differ on that opinion. In my opinion, having a dedicated space devoted to discussing a particular topic will attract users, not the other way around. This is particularly pertinent if we are the main place or only place on the internet to talk about a particular topic. I point to the example of /mai/: im pretty sure we're the biggest place on the internet for people who take waifus seriously, a lot of our users came because of /mai/.

Well youre right in that at the end of the day only posting will improve activity. But making some structural changes can facilitate that. You have to make people want to post. Asking people to post more like its some sort of nasty but neccesary chore is sorta silly.
>> No. 5163 [Edit]

I never said anything about wanting to bump the postrates. I just stated it as a fact: the post rates took a nosedive compared to ~2011. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you, I'm not making a judgement here. All I said is considering the postrates the site's current layout is cumbersome. If we were to go back to the old post rates then sure, current layout would be the best solution. But that seems extremely unlikely.

>It didn't boost posting rates only pissed people off.

This is actually wrong by the way. /vn/ topics got a couple of replies immeadiately after /vn/ got merged with /vg/. After they got split /vn/ went back to being a graveyard. Not like it matters but we should try to get the facts straight at very least.


We'll just have to agree to disagree then. Speaking from expierence I can say that making new dedicated space for a new topic doesn't affect people's willingness to discuss said topic. If people didn't want to talk about [x] before you made a dedicated [x] board then I doubt making a new board will cause an [x] boom.
>> No. 5164 [Edit]
Im not (neccesarily) talking about making our existing userbase want to talk about things. I'm talking about attracting new users by making a dedicated space for them to discuss a certain topic.

As far as I know, theres no dedicated onahole forum or board anywhere on the internet. Theres discussion on blogs or single threads on forums here and there. Making a dedicated board for it on tohno-chan would attract people interested in onaholes, and because there is a whole board rather than just a thread, theres space to discuss it in much more detail.
>> No. 5165 [Edit]
I don't really agree with drawing more people in. In my opinion the post rate and board culture are perfectly fine and drawing more people in would risk diluting that. Plus, with onahole threads you risk bringing the /jp/ crowd here which would be awful.
>> No. 5166 [Edit]
why not make a onahole thread on /ns/?
wait, haven't we already had onahole threads?
>> No. 5167 [Edit]

In that case it's what >>5165 said: I'm perfectly fine with our current userbase talking about [topic] but I'd rather not make a new board just to draw in completely different people just so they can discuss [topic] here.
>> No. 5367 [Edit]
I think combining anime, manga and VN might be a good idea. It would be nice if it became one of our main boards along with /ot/,/so/ and /mai/.
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