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File 130881487222.jpg - (56.90KB , 450x337 , IMG_7883.jpg )
5 No. 5 Stickied hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tohno-house is a project started by Tohno and people in IRC to establish place of living catered to our shut-in tendencies. A lot of us are running the risk of being kicked out, or our parents might not be able to take care of us anymore, or for those who just want to get out of their home but can't, these are the reasons we have decided to try this out. In this house we will each have our own rooms (Except Stalwart and Nerubian), and will have as little interaction as possible with the others who live in this house. We will all chip in to pay for bills and such, and help out around the house. So if anyone is interested feel free to help out and try and make this happen!

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119 No. 119 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Might as well toss this out there but while TH is still a ways off, I do have a room in our new house I'm looking to rent out if anyone's interested.
It's located in southern California, in a town that's seen better days. I've been asking $450 a month but could do $350 if it's someone from here. comes with access to it's own bathroom, as well as a pool and it's own entry so you don't need to enter the rest of the house/front to get in. You can also use half the garage if you've got a car. There's shopping centers that are about a 20-25 minute walk away, as well as a convince store that's about 10 minutes away on foot. I doubt anyone would be interested but if you are you know where to reach me.

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37 No. 37 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My father and his insane wife rent out houses. This is how they make a living. They own five places.

My father recently offered me one of them, I can stay at, rent-free. Utilities are a different story.

I was given three options. Two of them are in Maine. However, one of them is in Boston, MA.

The place in Boston is in a place called Jamaica Plain, or JP for short. It's an old duplex owned by my stepmother's uncle. He's 89, gay, and is in failing health. He's also loaded, but nobody takes care of him.

Now here's where we can come in.

If I were to live in the bottom floor of this duplex, the living space is phenomenal. ten foot ceilings, free heat, two bedrooms, an office and a huge living room and kitchen, also a gigantic basement with a gate (which we could theoretically finish).

Location is decent, near public transit stations and subway stations into the city, but is for the most part quiet, as it is a one-way residential road. Possible job opportunities all over the city. Also, if the old man passes away, we get the upstairs duplex, which would double our capacity and would give us full autonomy. However we would have to pay the taxes for the property.

My father said he wants to give me a place to live, but didn't mention this place. He's currently using it for storage, so it's very possible that he may be able to give this place to me. If that were the case I would be able to take on four people in relative comfort.
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>> No. 113 [Edit]
congrats on taking less than a year to respond
>> No. 114 [Edit]
: 3
>> No. 117 [Edit]
wait, how long has it been?
>> No. 118 [Edit]
Too long. This is a dead end, OP has already moved out on their own.

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107 No. 107 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Apartments are the biggest pain in the ass that I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Just sayin'.

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56 No. 56 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Some people have certain rules and conditions for living with other people, and it's good to have them all sorted out in the beginning. I guess what I am getting at is... what sort of rules would you want for a Tohno house? Everything from posters displayed, food smells you don't want the place to reek of, or trash. Also, anything you would want to do or have that others may disagree with?

My personal rules would be the requirement of wearing a shirt in all areas outside of the bathroom or room. I would allow underwear and a t-shirt, but anything less is sadistic. 

Another would be music. I pretty much have the same musical tastes as everyone else here but, if someone doesn't like what they hear, it would be best to wear headphones. 

One other would be dishes. Someone can wash the dishes from dinner and such, but I usually go with the whole "If more than two things come out of a person's room, they are the ones who need to wash them" policy. I guess if that is an issue, people can buy and store their own disposable items. 

As for my quirks, I have a sort of flag collection and sometimes hang a couple up either inside or out next to the front door. Most are tame, but I do usually have both a rising sun flag and an iron cross flag hanging, so if anyone has a problem with this it would be one of your rules. One other would be commentary, usually pretentious, when watching anything on TV that isn't Anime. 

I also have a penchant for buying snack food for the hell of it, but if people let a cake go to waste I literally lose sleep over it. If something is near expiration date, for the love of god, unless it has someone's name on it, eat it. Don't worry about being considerate. I have seen entire halves of cheesecake go to waste and have sat awake thinking how good it would have been to eat a huge slice of that cheesecake... Only for it to be too late...

I agree with a democratic process where if one rule applies only to one person, we should vote on it, or if more people disagree with a rule than agree, it should be reconsidered, but I don't think anyone has a  ridiculous "if any of the lightbulbs are not red then I will be really angry and end up on the floor having a seizure" or "X-san cannot eat cheese puffs because
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>> No. 83 [Edit]

I thought what I'd do with the money if I were to ever win lottery and I wouldn't mind fudning /th/ with it.

Of course it's not gonna happen because you have to play to win but yeah.
>> No. 92 [Edit]
You can dress up my dead body.
>> No. 102 [Edit]
Keep clean and keep quiet. I also can't be alone or feel like nobody is nearby, but a tohno-house really wouldn't have that problem.
>> No. 104 [Edit]
-No masturbation outside of your own room
-Music that is loud enough to disturb others should be turned down or headphones should be used
-Try to shower at least twice a week
-Remain at least moderately clothed save for in your room if desired and the bathroom
-Don't mess with others' stuff unless they expressly authorize it
-While it is perfectly acceptable to withdraw entirely to your room, please be aware that you will be checked on every now and then to make sure you're okay if you are not seen for a while

The bulletin board is also a good idea.

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103 No. 103 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This will pretty much never happen, then?
>> No. 105 [Edit]
I wouldn't say never, but some people do have some very unrealistic expectations of this.

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94 No. 94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
so i got an apartment in NW Oregon, rent's $500 a month

if anyone wants to come hang out w/me or something send me an email, if you think im o.k. you can live with me. i guess rent would be $100 a month, that's only like $4 a day right? or you could give me food stamps, it really wouldnt cost me anything to let you live with me but some money might be good

i just knew some people here on the site lived in oregon and washington and i got my own place so i figured id pop the question... email me if you want to really set something up or if you have questions. chatting in this thread works too i dont care
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>> No. 97 [Edit]
probably not
>> No. 98 [Edit]
I'd come live with you bro. Shame England's so far away.
>> No. 99 [Edit]
will you object to being beaten by a fat angry otaku nerd?
>> No. 100 [Edit]
i dont know

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84 No. 84 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Rammed earth: a cheap but very time consuming method of making walls. Almost any soil with low organic matter and the correct clay:sand ratio can be used to make these walls which are quite strong and well insulating.
>> No. 85 [Edit]
File 134025247425.gif - (64.18KB , 700x531 , Geodesic-dome-house.gif )
Geodesic dome: The shape is such that it won't collapse in the middle. A livable strcture can be created using metal pipes. This guy lives in a dome he made himself:
>> No. 86 [Edit]
I'd like the house to have really strong walls to stop run away buses or out of control normals trying to kill us because the world is ending or whatever while they're trying to kill each other.

Zombies should also be taken into account. By "zombies" I mean the RE kind and whatever other kind exist.

Yes, I am over exaggerating the possibilities of what can happen, but it's always good to be prepared.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
If I ever won the lottery, I'd use as much of it to make a not only suitable but sturdy and difficult to break into place that would keep us all safe and warm/cool.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
Tohno-house's biggest threats are already inside.

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87 No. 87 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So who here is willing to become the offical Tohno-house trap meido cum-dump?
>> No. 88 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind if it were you.
>> No. 89 [Edit]
Such a strange and lewd idea.
>> No. 91 [Edit]
3DPD! 3DPD! 3DPD! *throws beans*
>> No. 110 [Edit]
me i'll do it

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1 No. 1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
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>> No. 67 [Edit]
As many times as I have come here and looked at this picture I never did notice the ceiling in great detail.
It looks like a bunch of Styrofoam coolers taped together. We often dismiss ourselves as lazy, but this is the kind of resourcefulness that motivates me.
Don't know what this guy had to start off with, but its still the kind of story that says maybe /th could work at some scale.
>> No. 68 [Edit]
Styrofoam might be a little too fragile.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
I am imagining it is just for insulation, and there is a legitimate roof over it.
>> No. 101 [Edit]
Yep, its an old metal airplane hangar and he glued styrofoam boxes to insulate the inside. Thats because he lives in Vermont, which gets very cold in winter. He also built that robot hes sitting on himself, out of scrap metal. If you can handle the 3D, search on youtube 'JMEMantzel', thats the guy who built that. I find him very inspirational, just ignore some of the nutjob videos he puts up.

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69 No. 69 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Supposed we complete this mission and we somehow get a house, or say a mansion. All with adequate funding to last a long time. Say we all buy lottery tickets and agree to split itA mansion that can house 500 or so tohno-channers in the comfort of their previous lives as neets. Lol I just realized, are there even 500 brohnos? Whatever.
How many of us do you think would commit suicide?
How many would be on drugs all the time?
Would we run the household with a democracy or some sort of republic? Maybe we would split into warring factions and fight for control of the house. Perhaps there would be a sort of communist society that guarantees food and internet for all.
Maybe a libertarian paradise is best.
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>> No. 72 [Edit]
>Yeah, the few always ruin things for the masses.
>You mean there's more than fifty of us?

I thought /tc/ is just Tohno replying to himself.
>> No. 73 [Edit]
Hey, I don't 'just' reply to myself.
>> No. 74 [Edit]
As a follow-up to this, I wanted to add "safety of property". I don't want to assume everyone here is going to respect each other's collections and such. We may have Doritos-fingers in here...
>> No. 75 [Edit]
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No, we really really wouldn't. And even if it were to happen by any chance, I'm pretty sure we would unanimously agree to lynch the person in question.

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