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File 134025218176.jpg - (140.52KB , 864x648 , oCement@Mainani.jpg )
84 No. 84 [Edit]
Rammed earth: a cheap but very time consuming method of making walls. Almost any soil with low organic matter and the correct clay:sand ratio can be used to make these walls which are quite strong and well insulating.
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>> No. 85 [Edit]
File 134025247425.gif - (64.18KB , 700x531 , Geodesic-dome-house.gif )
Geodesic dome: The shape is such that it won't collapse in the middle. A livable strcture can be created using metal pipes. This guy lives in a dome he made himself:
>> No. 86 [Edit]
I'd like the house to have really strong walls to stop run away buses or out of control normals trying to kill us because the world is ending or whatever while they're trying to kill each other.

Zombies should also be taken into account. By "zombies" I mean the RE kind and whatever other kind exist.

Yes, I am over exaggerating the possibilities of what can happen, but it's always good to be prepared.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
If I ever won the lottery, I'd use as much of it to make a not only suitable but sturdy and difficult to break into place that would keep us all safe and warm/cool.
>> No. 93 [Edit]
Tohno-house's biggest threats are already inside.

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