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File 131753664993.jpg - (281.79KB , 577x755 , c2b8669af8d787c77e1ae09b98a39bc4c236dfcc.jpg )
37 No. 37 [Edit]
My father and his insane wife rent out houses. This is how they make a living. They own five places.

My father recently offered me one of them, I can stay at, rent-free. Utilities are a different story.

I was given three options. Two of them are in Maine. However, one of them is in Boston, MA.

The place in Boston is in a place called Jamaica Plain, or JP for short. It's an old duplex owned by my stepmother's uncle. He's 89, gay, and is in failing health. He's also loaded, but nobody takes care of him.

Now here's where we can come in.

If I were to live in the bottom floor of this duplex, the living space is phenomenal. ten foot ceilings, free heat, two bedrooms, an office and a huge living room and kitchen, also a gigantic basement with a gate (which we could theoretically finish).

Location is decent, near public transit stations and subway stations into the city, but is for the most part quiet, as it is a one-way residential road. Possible job opportunities all over the city. Also, if the old man passes away, we get the upstairs duplex, which would double our capacity and would give us full autonomy. However we would have to pay the taxes for the property.

My father said he wants to give me a place to live, but didn't mention this place. He's currently using it for storage, so it's very possible that he may be able to give this place to me. If that were the case I would be able to take on four people in relative comfort.

Living expenses like food and repairs could come from a group fund that each person would contribute $100 a month to, possibly? I haven't worked out the math of that yet, food can be expensive, but I would be able to make rice gruel and curry noodles, possibly Lo Mein, as a staple food for people to have that would be cheap.

Earliest I can realistically see this taking place is January 2012.
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>> No. 39 [Edit]
File 13175370298.png - (492.51KB , 800x600 , 8f0e8c5b95ee10a15cebde46e8127d526c92f59e.png )
Oh, and cons are:

The backyard (big for Boston) is infested with snails
Also a gigantic, 150 year old barn is in the back, falling apart, and it would be extremely unwise to even look at it wrong or it will fall on top of you. It may not even be there anymore since I haven't been in the backyard of the place since the days when it was okay to bring a box cutter on an airplane.
>> No. 40 [Edit]
food and utilty for 1 person is way more than 100 dollars a month
>> No. 41 [Edit]
Heat is free, that knocks a little out of the price.

Electricity is paid by the man upstairs, he rarely notices it go up.

Now eat your damned rice gruel and MRE and tapwater, damnit.

I figure I can't ask for more than $300 from the fixed income SSI people, and I don't think people want to just up and get jobs in a city immediately.
>> No. 42 [Edit]
utility can be pretty cheap. You just gotta be wise and fruggle.
in fact I google the cost and look what I found

I put in a bunch of things based on what I thought we would go through, it totalled at 99$ even double that isn't bad. and as stated above eatting staple food is cheap. I imagine 200$ per person would be enough to live in luxery.

good luck OP. I am canadian so currently it is a little too much for me to actually get there.

also what is a basement gate? some kind of stargate?
>> No. 46 [Edit]
Boston? I'm interested.
>> No. 47 [Edit]
It looks like around $60/mo for about three people there.

I still need to hear from my father.
>> No. 48 [Edit]
It's hardly the best neighbourhood but it certainly is easy access.

I remember seeing a woman who looked like Harry Potter almost have a chair dropped on her from three stories up across the street. This was back in 1999.
>> No. 49 [Edit]
I like
>> No. 51 [Edit]
I would love to come and live with you guys. This sounds awesome.
>> No. 54 [Edit]
how bad is the neighborhood. Is it the Irish ghett oro whatever?
>> No. 76 [Edit]
As long as there are a lot of dealers.
>> No. 108 [Edit]
i am interested but my wild guess would be that we would at eachothers throats at the end of the first week.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
>> No. 111 [Edit]
So did you ask your dad yet Shinden
>> No. 112 [Edit]
Yeah he told me to shove off.

I think he sold the place and bought a boat
>> No. 113 [Edit]
congrats on taking less than a year to respond
>> No. 114 [Edit]
: 3
>> No. 117 [Edit]
wait, how long has it been?
>> No. 118 [Edit]
Too long. This is a dead end, OP has already moved out on their own.

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