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56 No. 56 [Edit]
Some people have certain rules and conditions for living with other people, and it's good to have them all sorted out in the beginning. I guess what I am getting at is... what sort of rules would you want for a Tohno house? Everything from posters displayed, food smells you don't want the place to reek of, or trash. Also, anything you would want to do or have that others may disagree with?

My personal rules would be the requirement of wearing a shirt in all areas outside of the bathroom or room. I would allow underwear and a t-shirt, but anything less is sadistic. 

Another would be music. I pretty much have the same musical tastes as everyone else here but, if someone doesn't like what they hear, it would be best to wear headphones. 

One other would be dishes. Someone can wash the dishes from dinner and such, but I usually go with the whole "If more than two things come out of a person's room, they are the ones who need to wash them" policy. I guess if that is an issue, people can buy and store their own disposable items. 

As for my quirks, I have a sort of flag collection and sometimes hang a couple up either inside or out next to the front door. Most are tame, but I do usually have both a rising sun flag and an iron cross flag hanging, so if anyone has a problem with this it would be one of your rules. One other would be commentary, usually pretentious, when watching anything on TV that isn't Anime. 

I also have a penchant for buying snack food for the hell of it, but if people let a cake go to waste I literally lose sleep over it. If something is near expiration date, for the love of god, unless it has someone's name on it, eat it. Don't worry about being considerate. I have seen entire halves of cheesecake go to waste and have sat awake thinking how good it would have been to eat a huge slice of that cheesecake... Only for it to be too late...

I agree with a democratic process where if one rule applies only to one person, we should vote on it, or if more people disagree with a rule than agree, it should be reconsidered, but I don't think anyone has a  ridiculous "if any of the lightbulbs are not red then I will be really angry and end up on the floor having a seizure" or "X-san cannot eat cheese puffs because I don't like seeing X-san eat cheese puffs" kind of stipulation.  
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>> No. 57 [Edit]
I think i'd rather room with Hitler
>> No. 63 [Edit]
You made me chuckle.

Cool idea man.

I think the idea of a house for TC users would be an interesting idea. I don't know if I would want to do it unless there was more discussion, so I'll let that go for now. You guys probably would want that anyway.
>> No. 64 [Edit]
This is a great idea.

I pretty much only use headphones, so you wouldn't have to worry about hearing my music, though I do have sort of a singing problem when I hear a good gackpoid/Vocaloid song..., but I'd try to control that. Aside from that I could easily comply with your rules.

The only rule I could think of for myself would be that the other residents respect my personal property and to not go into my room without my permission.
>> No. 65 [Edit]
All I demand is that people try to be considerate. The best way to illustrate my expectations examples:
-Doing anything in common areas are fine, excluding the following.
-It is ok to listen to music in a common area because I can leave if I don't want to hear it, it is not ok if it is loud enough to be heard elsewhere.
-Wash your greasy or ball sweat covered fingers before you touch anything.
-Unless it is established that your personal item(s) are for collective use don't touch.
-If you don't know what it is or how to use it properly don't touch it.
-If you use something, you are responcible for putting it away, and cleaning.
-If someone has collectibles out, don't go sit beside them and eat your spaghetti, the last thing I want is sause on a game manual.
-Don't smell like cologne or perfume, I would even prefer BO over Axe body deouderant(sp).
-cover your mouth!

tl;dr treat everything as a priceless artifact

also practice forgiveness
>> No. 66 [Edit]
Simple enough.

I guess that as long as nobody leaves any food on the floor or anywhere else to attract any pests, we should be okay.
>> No. 70 [Edit]
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Personally, I would have a problem with your flags, Shinden.
Each person should take it upon themselves to reduce their likelihood to irritate others. So reducing noise output, cleaning after ourselves whenever we can. Shinden you could hang flags up in your room, if you'd like.
>> No. 78 [Edit]
- No fapping in the bath(room), or possibly extended to no fapping outside your own bedroom
- Take good care of the damn toilet. Always clean the damn borders after pissing them over and always ensure your turd went down the drain safely.
- Be gentle on the bandwidth consumption

That's the only things I'd absolutely demand.
>> No. 79 [Edit]
These are all very nice. Here would be mine.

- Don't pound on my door... if you have to say something, message me online or knock once or twice. No reply? Go away.

- If you make a mess in a common area, try to clean it. Don't be too loud or smelly in your room.

- It would be nice if there were some kind of bulletin board in a central location or online for important announcements. "I have company coming Tuesday from 3PM through 5PM." "Going to get groceries tomorrow @ 6PM... anyone want to come with?" or things like that. I don't know about you guys but I hate unexpected company.

- I like taking long baths/showers. I'm sure other people on here do, too. Working out some kind of time system for that might be needed (hot water sometimes takes a while to come back) and things should be set up so there's a second bathroom free, I guess...

I think that we are all somewhat isolated and too much contact would cause unneeded stress, so if there's any way that we could set things up in such a way that we can function alone if we choose to do so, it can be done.
>> No. 80 [Edit]

>"I have company coming Tuesday from 3PM through 5PM."

What? Do you mean like family or something?
>> No. 82 [Edit]
Guys. Someday, I will get a job that will make me rich, and I'll buy a big-ass estate for the Tohno-house. I'm not kidding. If I ever come into a 500,000+ fortune, it's going to be dedicated to realizing this dream.
>> No. 83 [Edit]

I thought what I'd do with the money if I were to ever win lottery and I wouldn't mind fudning /th/ with it.

Of course it's not gonna happen because you have to play to win but yeah.
>> No. 92 [Edit]
You can dress up my dead body.
>> No. 102 [Edit]
Keep clean and keep quiet. I also can't be alone or feel like nobody is nearby, but a tohno-house really wouldn't have that problem.
>> No. 104 [Edit]
-No masturbation outside of your own room
-Music that is loud enough to disturb others should be turned down or headphones should be used
-Try to shower at least twice a week
-Remain at least moderately clothed save for in your room if desired and the bathroom
-Don't mess with others' stuff unless they expressly authorize it
-While it is perfectly acceptable to withdraw entirely to your room, please be aware that you will be checked on every now and then to make sure you're okay if you are not seen for a while

The bulletin board is also a good idea.

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