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File 131923738074.jpg - (5.94KB , 150x113 , Miyuki_Cake_vector_by_Veylender_png.jpg )
50 No. 50 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Who made the cake that's sitting on the kitchen counter?

Is it okay if I have a slice? It looks really yummy.
>> No. 55 [Edit]

sure take a slice.

File 130881513381.jpg - (65.63KB , 375x500 , IMG_5930.jpg )
6 No. 6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What location do you think would be ideal for Tohno-house?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 36 [Edit]

I LOVE Canada. Yet the proposed lack of online gaming would disturb me greatly. Of course people still do it...
>> No. 52 [Edit]
Somewhere with a moderate temperature, in a first world country, that has a lot of wide open spaces, so we can live without being bothered.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
Why don't we just travel in a herd of winnabego's and go where the wind takes us?
Seeing as how we really don't belong anywhere.
>> No. 77 [Edit]
US would be highly disappointing. Even with about 50% of the site userbase(i.e. possible TH residents) being there, it would be hell for anybody else to get in it.

Canada is still pretty receptive, I guess? Not sure about Europe.
Still, anything beyond the english speaking world would require at least one brave "communications officer", as living in complete and absolute isolation seems highly unfeasible. Do we even have an icelandish brohno?

We can always do week-long lan parties. Only MMO players would lose something.

File 131367703728.jpg - (704.41KB , 1000x894 , bbb90ea1a97c7c474e0170f5c798037f827243f9.jpg )
32 No. 32 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'll be blunt

I'm helping opening up a restaurant within a years time and I'm probably going to end up getting a place out near the small town where its close too.

Would any of you be interested in coming to Nova Scotia and doing some work? I don't have the details right now but I know I'll be able to hire people, having someone with zero experience would be difficult but as long as someone was willing to work it would be fine. Honestly cooking is 80% on the job experience anyway and If things go the way I want I'll have a house that's a bit much for one person so a few roommates might be interesting.

I've just been pondering this for a while, I doubt anyone would be interesting but it might be the opportunity someone needs.
>> No. 33 [Edit]
What exactly does one do at a Nova Scotian restaurant?
How often would one be expected to work?

Honestly it sounds interesting, though I think it will be hard to tell my family I am moving to Nova Scotia, especially when I don't really leave the house. They will be like "WTF," and I'll be like "OK, bye."

Though l do live in canada, so actually doing it involves no hard things like passports or etc.
>> No. 34 [Edit]
>Would any of you be interested in coming to Nova Scotia and doing some work?
Yes. But I doubt I'd be a good worker since I'm afraid of people. So despite my interest, it'd be better for you to find someone else.
>> No. 35 [Edit]

The thing kind of fell though, I've talked it over and I think the better route for me is to go back to school.

Cooking while a solid profession, is soul draining if you're not the right kind of person for it.

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