For discussion regarding the Tohno-House project.
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File 132570686766.jpg - (10.24KB , 189x267 , 1325523839626.jpg )
69 No. 69 [Edit]
Supposed we complete this mission and we somehow get a house, or say a mansion. All with adequate funding to last a long time. Say we all buy lottery tickets and agree to split itA mansion that can house 500 or so tohno-channers in the comfort of their previous lives as neets. Lol I just realized, are there even 500 brohnos? Whatever.
How many of us do you think would commit suicide?
How many would be on drugs all the time?
Would we run the household with a democracy or some sort of republic? Maybe we would split into warring factions and fight for control of the house. Perhaps there would be a sort of communist society that guarantees food and internet for all.
Maybe a libertarian paradise is best.
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>> No. 71 [Edit]
You mean there's more than fifty of us?

Eh, it all depends on who controls the funds, and who has the right to, also, if there is any alternative source of income.

I'd imagine the lotto money would be set aside for the net and basic food requirements. anyone with an income (SSI or otherwise) would be able to cut aside some of the income for utilities and food, like maybe 20%? I don't want to make it look like some of us are bucking off the others though...

If anything, I think food and internet and a safe, private place to be alone are the core three rights of each brohno in tohno-house. Beyond this is the territory of personal decisions and agreements.
>> No. 72 [Edit]
>Yeah, the few always ruin things for the masses.
>You mean there's more than fifty of us?

I thought /tc/ is just Tohno replying to himself.
>> No. 73 [Edit]
Hey, I don't 'just' reply to myself.
>> No. 74 [Edit]
As a follow-up to this, I wanted to add "safety of property". I don't want to assume everyone here is going to respect each other's collections and such. We may have Doritos-fingers in here...
>> No. 75 [Edit]
File 133129674070.jpg - (272.73KB , 1828x1448 , greasy-fingers.jpg )

No, we really really wouldn't. And even if it were to happen by any chance, I'm pretty sure we would unanimously agree to lynch the person in question.

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